Michael Jacksons Last Appearance in Japan


Dark Lady H2O
Mar 16, 2009
Hey, I found this video I've never seen and thought I would share..

It was in 2007, he thrilled U.S. servicemembers and their families during a visit in 2007 to Camp Zama, Japan. He flew to the Army base aboard a Blackhawk helicopter.

Check out his outfit. I LOVE IT. I love his style, ALL the way. He is the best ever.

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At first it was supposed to be held in December, kinda of Christmas party, if my memory serves me right,and I was so excited and was like 'I'm going Japan'
but it didn't work out (may it was only a rumor) and when he really went to Japan, I couldn't afford to the tickets, since I was going to California.

It could have been My last chance to see Michael. I didn't know it would be...
Ha-ha! That is such a great video! Thank you for posting!

He looks so great there - I'm loving the outfit!
Thank you so much for posting.Michael is Wonderful as usual.Always thinking of others.

Susannah xx
It is just so sad to see how beautiful Michael looked only 2years ago....this brought tears to my eyes...thank you for the thread though..