Michael Jacksons last 2 Giraffes MOVED TO NEW LOCATION


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Click on that link for a video about the giraffes

Giraffes moved to secret location
January 27th, 2010 @ 4:14pm
By John Hollenhorst

SALT LAKE CITY -- Two giraffes that once belonged to Michael Jackson were moved to a secret location Tuesday from their compound near Lake Powell to protect them from sabotage. The current owners ultimately expect to move them to the St. George area.

The giraffes have been facing eviction after the owners lost a court battle with the city of Page, Ariz. They've also been embroiled in a worldwide controversy being waged on the Internet.

Originally there were four giraffes. Freddie Hancock and her husband, Tommy, purchased them from Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch hoping to create a wildlife preserve.

Just as their court battle was climaxing in recent weeks, two of the giraffes died of unknown causes. A former employee in a bitter feud with the Hancocks accused them of abuse and neglect, riling up many of Jackson's fans.

But the Hancocks say it's all lies, and they have given the animals loving care. They claim they've had threats and suspect the two giraffes were poisoned.

Giraffe owner Freddie Hancock confirmed to KSL the remaining two giraffes were moved Tuesday to a temporary, secret preserve.

"Our concern is for the safety of the giraffes," she told us. "We've been through a lot. I'm done with the city of Page. We're moving on, with the welfare of the animals as our focus."

St. George radio host Tommy Cage is helping the Hancocks find a permanent facility in Southwestern Utah. He told KSL the giraffes are not in Utah right now, but they're with other giraffes in a preserve under expert veterinary care. He hopes they'll be moved to the St. George area in a few months.

We've just learned the city of Page served the Hancocks with a "writ to vacate," essentially an eviction notice. They have to tear down the giraffe's barn by this Friday.

Also note that the battle is between these people on facebook

i'm glad they are in a secret place. anything associated with MJ sparks evil envy in this world, considering those first two might have been poisoned.

i hope the last two remain safe.
good news. I hope those animals will have a healthy and happy life.
Michael's gotta be the only celebrity whose animals people give a damn about to 1) write an article about and 2) assasinate, wtf! is up with that anyway.

Glad they gunna be safe, bunch a crazies out there. Gotta be careful