Michael Jacksons influence on Justin Bieber


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was thinking about, i've seen alot of people in the world hating on this kid, because they mean that he only cares about himself, which isnt true.
But then i really thought about how much of an influence Michael has had on him since he was born, not only the music but also Michael as a person.
Justin adores and loves Michael very much and he also look up to him in many different ways.
I have some exsamples i like to share with you guys.

- Just yesterday he spent more than two hours at the childrens hospital in London, to play with the kids and just make them smile. He loves kids very much.



- Also through his book, which he mentions Michael alot in, almost like ever 10th page out of 200.



btw, his foundation Pencil Of Promise has already builed 15 schools around the world with his money.

- He wrote this song called Pray, which said was inspired by Michaels Man In The Mirror
Every dime he gets from this song is going to charity, and that's also why he wrote it, to raise money for charities.

And also his AMA performance (where he also thank Michael, when i recived one of his awards)

And the last also by style, i've seen alot if his clothes which is MJ inspired, he also wears the tape around his fingers, because he said that it was so cool that Michael did it.
I shouldn't forget all these times he has mentioned Michael (always on a positve way), on twitter (on Michaels birthday as well), interviews etc.

And it's not only Justin, who he has influnced, but many many kids out there.
I'm still very young (teen), but it touches my heart that the young ones also looks up to Michael.. because Michael can reach out to everybody in any age.

I hope it was okay to share this with you guys :)
Pencil's Of Promise is not Justin's foundation.........

But it's good that he supports it!!!!
Justin Bieber is full of shit.He's just saying things to make himself look good for attention.That's what most celebrities do.
Justin Bieber is full of shit.He's just saying things to make himself look good for attention.That's what most celebrities do.
You do realise that this is similar to how people mindlessly call MJ a pedo, right?

How do you know what his intentions are? He certainly doesn't need any more positive publicity.
Justin Bieber is full of shit.He's just saying things to make himself look good for attention.That's what most celebrities do.

Hey that is a harsh thing 2 say bout justin, he is still a young kid and is at the start of his carerr
Justin Bieber is full of shit.He's just saying things to make himself look good for attention.That's what most celebrities do.

There is some truth to that.........

.........Lots of singers are told to do charity stuff to make themselves look good and sell albums...........

.........In the old days, all they needed was a couple of performances, an interview and a Music Video to sell a million records.........

.........Now they need twitter, facebook, youTube, PR stunts, charity work and cosmetic surgery.........

.........Oh what desperate times we are in!!!!!
Wow, I never knew Michael had that much of an impact on him. :mello: Thanks for sharing. :)