Michael Jackson's Ghosts


Proud Member
May 11, 2012
Happy Halloween, everyone!

As it IS October 31st, I'd thought it'd be the best time to talk about:

Michael Jackson's Ghosts

Before I tell you what I think of this short film, just for the heck of it, I'll attempt to talk about "Ghosts" for a bit.

You see, back in 1993, Ghosts was first conceived as a promotional video for the movie Addams Family Values. It was to star Michael Jackson himself along with Christina Ricci and Jimmy Workman as Wednesday and Pugsley Addams. Reportedly, this promo video was actually in production for two to three weeks until the unfortunate scandal happened, causing production to cease. So far, none of this shot footage has surfaced. Around this time, Michael had asked famous horror writer Stephen King to help write the script, as well as enlist Special Effects guru Stan Winston to direct the short film. In 1996, production commenced once again on "Ghosts", this time without the Addams children.

This short film is notable for the fact that Michael plays FIVE different characters: The Maestro, The Mayor of Normal Valley, The Skeleton of Maestro, The Super Ghoul, and The Ghoul Mayor. This was done by the magic of extensive make-up and (in the case of the Skeleton) CGI. This also includes some of the most cutting edge effects (for 1996) and even more frightening (but very well put together) make-up and costuming for the ghouls that joins Michael in his high energy dance number (Sing it with me: 2 bad, 2 bad about it! Why don't you scream and shout it?!).

The short film was released in 1996 and screened in selected theaters with Stephen King's film Thinner (Around Halloween, actually!). It was also shown at the Cannes Film Festival in 1997 and later released to home video (in the UK) as part of a Deluxe Collector's Boxed Set later that year.

As a final tidbit, Ghosts was considered to be the longest music video in history by the Guinness Book of World Records in 2002, clocking in at around 40 minutes! Am I the ghost of jealousy? Try the other music artists!

Now, as for what I myself think of the film:

Quite frankly, this is one of Michael Jackson's best short films. Now, we all know what this film could be satirizing (the Mayor himself could be considered a huge take that to a certain T.S.) but beyond that, this shows that Michael could definitely hold his own as a film maker. Michael seemed to like big and when he wanted big, he got it. That's what made him one of the most memorable artistic talents to ever exist and it shows in "Ghosts". When I see him playing the Mayor, it's almost like he's another person under that rubber skin. His movements, his mannerisms, the way he talks...this is also evidence of how great an actor Michael can be. It's too bad we weren't able to see Michael act in another movie after this. However, what's been already recorded would probably have viewers say "Man, he can really act!".

This is a really enjoyable short film with great acting, great music, great effects, and with a great chance of it being re-watched several times more. Which leads me once again to home releases. This short film is already not as remembered as Michael's other work, which is why it should be released again (hopefully soon) on blu-ray with a huge multi-disc collector's set for consumption of future generations...but maybe I'm not the only one who thinks that. ;)

But either way, perhaps Michael Jackson's Ghosts ought to be a tradition for Halloween viewing right up there with Thriller. :)
Thank you, qbee. :) Happy Halloween!

And that was a great idea to put the short film here, as well. :)
would've been nice to have had making of thriller & ghosts blu-ray package for halloween with special features this year :(
This is an example to me of Michael's approach to the entertainment he liked to create for his audience. Ghosts, I doubt, was a profitable experience, but it was never the point anyway. It's just creativity on a much higher level than anything else of the time.

I also really like the parallels he draws with his own life. However I do feel that message is lost somewhere. It does at times feel self-indulgent and flabby in places. Perhaps with a bit of time trimmed off in the editing suite, this would have been a more direct sharper piece.

Still love it though.
It may have been originally intended for Addams Family but I think a lot of the story and concept must have changed between 1993 and 1996 due to Michael's experiences at the time. There seems to be a lot of references to the allegations, people's false perceptions of him, the prejudice of people, how people think the worst of you and would team up in a lynch mob if you are different and not "normal" - and of course the mayor is definitely modelled after Sneddon.

I love this short film, especially because of those references, it's a great way by Michael to tell the story from his POV using artistic means. It needs to be released on DVD+Blue-ray! It's a shame that it has not been so far.
It may have been originally intended for Addams Family but I think a lot of the story and concept must have changed between 1993 and 1996 due to Michael's experiences at the time. There seems to be a lot of references to the allegations, people's false perceptions of him, the prejudice of people, how people think the worst of you and would team up in a lynch mob if you are different and not "normal" - and of course the mayor is definitely modelled after Sneddon.

I love this short film, especially because of those references, it's a great way by Michael to tell the story from his POV using artistic means. It needs to be released on DVD+Blue-ray! It's a shame that it has not been so far.

also with michael telling a fan on the radio that it will be released on dvd in it's entirety with some of the making of footage. that was back in 2001 though, so it should be on Blu-Ray imo.
I actually have the "Making of Thriller" & "Ghosts" on DVD, but it's a bootleg of it..they play ok on my MAIN DVD player & not too well on my computer, but other than that, they're still both good :D
Man, Ghosts is such a masterpiece. I think it's a shame that it never got as much attention in the general public as it deserved. Ghosts really shows that Michael knew quite a bit about directing and film making. The feeling in that short film is simply mindblowing and never failed to impress me once. Also one of Michael's best dance choreographies.
I remember when Michael died, that Halloween that year they played ghosts on a music channel I have where I live. I taped it and I loved Michael in it. When he would say Hello...lol.
I love every sec of "Ghosts" and ready to watch it over and over again :D
Although he shouted almost constantly throughout the film, I just LOVE the 2BAD sequence.

Awesome stuff man.
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I love this so much. It's such an underrated piece from him that deserves more attention IMO.
Ghosts is very powerful. There's the part where the mayor tells him to go--we don't need your kind around here-- and he says "All right, I'll go" and then he's on the floor and 'dies' and disintegrates on camera. That part is sad to me as it is what actually happened.
Ghosts is very powerful. There's the part where the mayor tells him to go--we don't need your kind around here-- and he says "All right, I'll go" and then he's on the floor and 'dies' and disintegrates on camera. That part is sad to me as it is what actually happened.

I agree. The whole movie is full of metaphores - even prophetic ones.
I love Ghosts. I think it's brilliant and it's a shame it was so overlooked by many in the public. It's right up there with Thriller in my book.