Michael Jackson's Dead


Proud Member
Nov 18, 2012
As we all know Mj had a sad untimely passing in 2009. But is there still times or is just me where you don't exactly forget but it just hits you during the day when you read a post on here or just look at the news of an article about him and then you recall the fact "Michael Jackson is dead". And then it's just so annoying because he still had so much more to do on earth. :mat: Murray
As we all know Mj had a sad untimely passing in 2009. But is there still times or is just me where you don't exactly forget but it just hits you during the day when you read a post on here or just look at the news of an article about him and then you recall the fact "Michael Jackson is dead". And then it's just so annoying because he still had so much more to do on earth. :mat: Murray

It happens to me a lot. I'll either be reading some post on here, maybe some news article, in fact I'd even be watching one of his videos or listening to his music, and I just start crying. I don't know..but it just hits me like a ton of bricks, and it hurts. Especially when articles end with, "Jackson died of blah blah blah in June of 2009." I don't get annoyed, I get more sad and angry.
I know he is technically dead, but he is in a better place now. He lives in heaven where everyone there is just like him, no more lies, no more hate. It's the world he always wanted to live in back when he was alive. And even though he is not here to further entertain us, his legacy still lives on through his fans. We still listen to his music, get new shows leaked, dance like him, sing like him, and carry out his message of spreading love. It really doesnt feel like he's dead to me.
We fans will never have a foreclosure on the death of Michael. :no: Looking at the facts revealed to us about the death of Michael... I will always question everyone who (without exception anyone) was around Michael at that time. :fear: I will always be wondering WHY it happened this way with Michael... :cry:

*big sigh*
It's been a while since I've teared up over anything like that. But I do say it over and over in my head sometimes and I'm like WTF. HOW? HOW can he be dead?! It doesn't make any sense.

It's a bizarre thing to me. Oddly.

In so many ways I'm happy because he's free. But in so many others, it's hard to imagine a light that shone as bright as his ever going out.
I am still suffering from deep depression. And I am still in a constant state of mourning. When I am at home I wear nothing but mostly black clothes. My MJ necklaces and my black MJ t-shirts that I constantly wear. Is 2 of the very few reminders that I had once called myself a true hardcore MJ fan. Something I used to so totally L.O.V.E. being. Now I can very hardly call myself an MJ fan. I can't even sleep in my bedroom anymore. Because my bedroom is still practically a shrine to him. As it has been for over 10 years. And it just really hurts now looking at those posters. Which is why I am now seriously thinking about taking down my beloved MJ posters. But the thought of even taking down just one poster just makes me want to cry all over again. It has been over an year now since I last tried to watch him. Which cause me to have a panic attack. Something I never thought I would have while watching him. And it has been months now since I had last listen to him. Knowing where that evil monster is now. Is why I am worst now. Video games has been the only thing that has help deal with the constant pain. I just so totally wish I could go back to be the MJ fan that I once was. But after suffering that panic attack last year. From even trying to watch him. Made me realized that is something that is not going to happen for me.:( :boohoo
It's always going to be so hard to think that someone that was always so incredibly full of life isn't anymore. But that's only physically. He's still very much alive in his music, his dance, his words, the things he's done for the world, and he's especially alive in all of us. I know we all miss him so much, and we always will.. but in some ways he's never really left. :heart:
I shouldn't be shocked by death anymore (I've lost many relatives and friends), but I am. Michael's death shocked me in a way no other has. The how, the when and where of his death I've come to grips with, but the WHY escapes me. I guess we'll never know that and that's what bothers me the most. He shouldn't be gone and it still hurts.
I shouldn't be shocked by death anymore (I've lost many relatives and friends), but I am. Michael's death shocked me in a way no other has. The how, the when and where of his death I've come to grips with, but the WHY escapes me. I guess we'll never know that and that's what bothers me the most. He shouldn't be gone and it still hurts.

Same here. I lost my cousin, my uncle, my great grandmother, and a few others, and I mean..yeah, I cry at times when I think of them, but when Michael's death once again hits me like a ton of bricks, I turn into the same sad 10 about to be 11 year old I was in 2009. :cry: he was my hero, in fact, he was like a best..BEST friend. In fact, I thought of him so much as my best friend that after my aunt bought the tickets for us to see Michael on the This Is It tour, I made two friendship bracelets. One for me and one for him. The sad thing is that I never got to give it to him in person.

He shouldn't be gone..but at least he's an angel now :angel: that makes the pain a bit more bearable.

I do miss Michael. To this day I still cannot listen to the song Gone To Soon. I skip it every time.

I also lost my father about a year after Michael died. Micheal's music helped me get through both of those losses.

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It's always going to be so hard to think that someone that was always so incredibly full of life isn't anymore. But that's only physically. He's still very much alive in his music, his dance, his words, the things he's done for the world, and he's especially alive in all of us. I know we all miss him so much, and we always will.. but in some ways he's never really left. :heart:

I wish I could agree. But when I keep seeing all of these constant reminders. Especially in my MJ sites. It just really hurts all over again for me. Thanks to what that evil monster did. I can't even watch the news or tv more than half the time. Most of the time I have to watch tv on mute with a piece of cloth covering the tv. So I don't see or hear anything that could remind me of Michael in away. Because I never know when Michael or that evil monster could be mention. That would automatically make me cry all over again. Which will ruin what I hope might be a good day for me. And thanks to that evil monster. I very rarely have a good day anymore. I really do want to get better. Not more worst than I already am. Which is extremely hard knowing where that evil monster is now. And not where he suppose to be. Which is on death row awaiting the same kind of execution that he gave to my beloved Michael. That to me would have been true justice.
To many things going on, all lawsuits, MJ3 news, the Jackson family news – everything reminds of the fact that "Michael Jackson is dead". A lot of it (if not all) would never happened with Michael around.
The first weeks after his death I couldn't believe it. Than the memorial ceremony came and it was clear to me: Michael is gone. He's dead. Forever. Point.
At this point I started to mourn. My greatest hobby always was dancing. Since Michaels death I didn't do it anymore. I stopped going in to a dancing school and having fun there.
To me it was I lost a part of myself. I was since the age of seven a great fan of Michael. First he was the "star" to me. The older I get Michael "became a human being" to me. That was on first. And the star was on second. Many people say to me: "if I see Michael Jackson you come to my mind! You and Michael!".
This year I got my 30th anniversary and it's so sad that Michael isn't here any longer.

But today to me it's ok. I'm not happy about it but I found my peace on his death. He is ok now. No one can hurt him any longer. He's no longer in pain. Now he found love, peace and happiness. What he didn't get in life he found in death. It's sad but so it is.

But I don't discharge Dr. Death of any guilt. To me he's the offender and he should stay in jail for the rest of his life! If he feels bad because he was in jail, if he got no money, no job and can't pay any bill - good. I wish he will never be happy again in his life!
With Michaels passing I find myself in a place between reality and a dream world.. Where I know he's not here, but I almost tell myself he's here. I'm not sure if it is just a coping tactic or what...

I don't even like saying "Dead" when it comes to him, because it feels like such and "END" word.. I never want Michael to end...

June 26th 2009, was the first time as far back as I can remember that I did not wake up and think "I wonder what Michaels doing right now or today"... Very surreal!!

We keep Michael alive the best way we can!!
after he died it took me long long long time to recover and i thought everything was just stupid, cause the ultimate living genius was now dead... so i felt like some how, like the universe betrayed my feelings and dreams.. he was my living and most inspiring figure, and he was dead.. and with him all the new possible music, made by him, you know .. he had that incredible ear..he heard the world differently, and i love his sound, everything he created, and it was like this superhuman talented man... and i never thought he would die... but he did, but in a way i know, i try to say, to myself, this was ment to be, he needed to rest, so, but I STILL MISS HIM.....
Every day it hurts and it always will. No other celebrity's passing has EVER hit me this hard! I don't like to say or hear the word "dead" because it means the end but for Michael, that is a whole different story. Just because he's not here on Earth, that doesn't mean it's the end of him, it means Michael and everything he did during his life lives on forever because what he did touched people. He's in our hearts forever and us fans will always love him!
::siiiiiiiiigh:: Yeah, I still catch myself referring to him in the present-tense when I talk about him sometimes. I feel that pang when I have to correct "is" to "was".... :unsure: