"Michael Jackson's British Best Friend"?


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2008
sorry if this doesn't go in here, move it to whereever you like lol.

who watches Paris Hilton's BBF?

What do you think of it?

Don't you think that michael should do something similar? Do you think it would work?
Michael is not Paris Hilton or someone like that, whos main focus is to stay in the public eye for the promotion of their buisness. As witnessed in the last few weeks, over 2,00 people turned up for a 5 minute Press conference and 50 concerts sold out within hours! No one else in the public eye has that type of pulling power, hence the need for shows like Paris Hiltons New British Best Friend!
It's also a very desperate attempt to find a friend. Michael would never agree to it. Many people would want to be his friend for what he is not for who he is.
Michael is not Paris Hilton or someone like that, whos main focus is to stay in the public eye for the promotion of their buisness. As witnessed in the last few weeks, over 2,00 people turned up for a 5 minute Press conference and 50 concerts sold out within hours! No one else in the public eye has that type of pulling power, hence the need for shows like Paris Hiltons New British Best Friend!

Do you think? Hmm I dunno why but I think this would be the most perfect way for Michael to finally find a TRUE best friend??

The way Paris went out shopping with the contestants and stuff and they were all really shocked at the reality of being famous, you know the way Kat said "and omg I heard this girl say 'my life is complete now, I've seen Paris hilton' and thats exactly what I THOUGHT when I first met her" but they soon turned into normal human beings because they realised that Paris is just like them too and this questioned their friendship and stuff.

Lol I think I'm reading into this too much but I truly think that this would be a great way for michael to finally get a true best friend.
It's also a very desperate attempt to find a friend. Michael would never agree to it. Many people would want to be his friend for what he is not for who he is.

YES that is EXACTLY what it was like at the beginning of this show with Paris!

There were millions of people auditioning who were just crazy obsessed fans at first and she soon narrowed it down to a final 10 who she challenged and tested to finally find her best friend who weren't just focused on wanting fame, but wanted to be her friend.
YES that is EXACTLY what it was like at the beginning of this show with Paris!

There were millions of people auditioning who were just crazy obsessed fans at first and she soon narrowed it down to a final 10 who she challenged and tested to finally find her best friend who weren't just focused on wanting fame, but wanted to be her friend.

hmm..slippery slope. they all knew they were on camera, so, not to be cynical..maybe i am...lol...but were they being for real, or cheesing?

And Mj's fame is so astronomical, that, at least, i'll admit that i would question my own motives if trying to be his BFF..

anyway...i thought Elizabeth Taylor is his friend.
Michael is not Paris Hilton or someone like that, whos main focus is to stay in the public eye for the promotion of their buisness. As witnessed in the last few weeks, over 2,00 people turned up for a 5 minute Press conference and 50 concerts sold out within hours! No one else in the public eye has that type of pulling power, hence the need for shows like Paris Hiltons New British Best Friend!

Agree !!

MJ doesn't need this!
hmm..slippery slope. they all knew they were on camera, so, not to be cynical..maybe i am...lol...but were they being for real, or cheesing?

True, but paris also knew that this was possible (them being fake whilst on camera) so she made the challenges more difficult.

And Mj's fame is so astronomical, that, at least, i'll admit that i would question my own motives if trying to be his BFF..

:shock: You what? You would question whether or not you were doing this for michael or for your own benefit? Well I for one would whole heartedly do it for him and only him. I would not take into account the fame that I would get through it and I'm sure that there are thousands of fans who would be the same (a lot of them are probably on mjjc).

anyway...i thought Elizabeth Taylor is his friend.

But she's famous too so that doesn't really work does it? Lily Allen said in one of her interviews that she can't have any famous friends because it is too much stress for her and adds more to her plate (from the paps and that) so I think that the whole point of this contest thing is to find an ordinary person to befreind the famous stars who unfortunately get back stabbed by their fake friends who were only interested in themselves as is evident with Michael and Paris has said it's happend to her too.
lol..well..it's not that i don't want to be Any person's true friend. i can count my own true freinds on one hand. a lot of people have friends..many...but would those friends be there in the most dire of situations? now..add fame...

if MJ was walking down the street and was not famous, how many people would be his true friend? that's an unanswereable question, i know..but..

all i'm saying is..in a world where it seems easier to hate than to love, it's easy to be cynical. i say i would question my own motives, not because i would feel good if i took advantage of him, but because, it's just wise to realize that temptation is more powerful than us all. and if a person is thinking twice about their motives, it should be regarded as a good thing.

there are so many people who go into and out of relationships, friendships, etc, without fame that make promises, and break them. how much more, with fame? yes, there are exceptions..and i hope exceptions keep coming.

i really don't want MJ to be a lonely person. i pray he has a true true friend..at least 1. or more. famous or not. at the same time...i don't want to see him taken advantage of. it's just my humble opinion, but man in the mirror resonates here. before we go and venture into something, we should look in the mirror and make sure we're doing it right, and not think, so easily that we can overcome any temptation, that might make us trip up. how many times does a person make a promise, then an unforseen circumstance comes up, and makes a person rethink things? it just gives us the better chance not to trip up, if we look in the mirror and check ourselves first. that's just IMHO. it is clear that his fanbase has been his true freind from afar, as they have outlasted the media. when coming up close, you may see things that you never thought you would see. as is the case with everybody. everybody, i think, is their own best freind when it comes to accepting the unseen things. so how would you be, up close, with someone else? that's when you ask yourself..can i truly promise to be the true definition of a true friend? always?

i would rather be his friend from afar, than screw up his life, upclose.
i certainly hope i could be his best friend. i would hope i could try..and my guess is..so would others. i would hope that if i messed up the opportunity, that i would pay the price for it. i would hope that my conscience, and my capacity for guilt would enable me to do it right. because, fame or no fame..i wouldn't want to be done in, that way, by someone else.
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Michael has always kept his personal life and public life seperate. People like Paris Hilton thrive in the public spotlight, their public and private lives merge and they allow the cameras everywhere.

And anyway Michael does have a British Best Friend, someone who knows what its like to be a star but also lives a normal life, with a normal job and family!
Michael doesn't need no stupid reality shows. that's the worst kind of entertainment ever. music, on the other side, is the best. so... you do the maths.
I guess I would have to see the show to understand, but it seems to me that friendship is a two way street. If these people have to do all this stuff to prove they are her best friend, what does she have to do? Being famous isn't enough. In fact it shouldn't even come into play. How does she return the friendship? or is that a part of it too? I just wonder how these people would even know if the WANT to be her friend. They can't know her from the fame. They can get an idea, but how do they get to know her well enough to know that they want to be her friend as well?

Also.. why do they have to do things to win her friendship? Or is it just to show their personality? It doesn't seem very real to me, but then again, I haven't watched it to see.

edit: not to shoot down an idea. I like brainstorming and thinking about things too. It's just that to make a game of friendship seems to belittle it. Also I think he does have close friends, we just don't get to hear about them and know about them in detail like we would if he were to have a show like this. He is too private about things that matter deeply to him I think. I WOULD enjoy seeing him do some musical mentorship reality show though. Maybe not him personally, but he could set it up, and visit every now and then, oversee it. I think he is too busy though for a while to do something like this.
sorry if this doesn't go in here, move it to whereever you like lol.

who watches Paris Hilton's BBF?

What do you think of it?

Don't you think that michael should do something similar? Do you think it would work?


God NO!!



Like honestly!

Michael Jackson SHOULD never and WOULD never do something so stupid like this idiotic "reality" competition/show that just sells people and personalities for higher TRP and more money.
He's already said in is book 'Moonwalk' how he feels about actually going about BEING in such shows...or the likes of them anyway.
i LOVE that program.
its well good.

but MJ's way to famous for a show like that.
some things he cant do just because hes like to great to do them.