Michael Jackson’s 1993 Mexico Deposition Videos Prove His Songwriting / Music IQ Were Off The Charts


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Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA
Michael Jackson’s 1993 Mexico Deposition Videos
Prove His Songwriting / Music IQ Were Off The Charts

November 3rd, 2012 9:39pm EDT | By: Brad Washington

The elements of songwriting are simple to some: compose a melody, get some words together and turn it all to form. For those who are songwriters in today’s mainstream music industry, assembly line pop music doesn’t necessarily count. A majority of songwriters today write songs just to get spins on the radio; which means basic song structure consisting of easily-caught melodies and words. But then there are some songwriters who are so gifted at their craft, it’s just mind-blowing on how they come up with their particular composition in terms of structure and rhythm. Michael Jackson, the late great king of pop, was, of course, a renowned entertainer whose talent was limitless in terms of the art. But it was his knowledge of musical song structure, which further pushes his claim into the songwriting Mount Rushmore.

It’s known that Jackson’s songwriting was a strong suit of his, but he never exactly went in depth into a step-by-step guide of how he takes the composition from step one to completion. At last, and ironically, amidst a deposition in Mexico which he was being questioned for a plagiarism suit, he explained in excellent detail how he composed the song “The Girl is Mine” that was featured on the Thriller album. To keep in mind, Michael Jackson didn’t physically write music, he recorded what was in his head into a tape recorder. But never mind why he was there and what exactly he composed his music on, it was his knowledge on song construction that, to me, impressed and made me cherish the gift that he had even more.

He explained in the Deposition video he could compose the bass, percussion and drums all in his head. He structured the rhythm of the slow, catchy groove of The Girl is Mine; he explained how he composed the string lines of the song, he knew exactly when the bass section of the song would change into keyboard’s bass section, and he also explained that he used “musical counter lines that could go against the main part. It could be a keyboard, it could be a flute, and it could be a string part. It’s a tapestry of sound, which is what the law of music is.”

The point that he had no formal musical composition training: besides learning from his fellow Motown label mates as a member of the Jackson 5, makes his songwriting gifts a rarity. And it’s safe to assume he was only 23 at the time of the composition, which was a prelude to the strong body of work that would originate from years to come. From the self-composed numbers of “Billie Jean”, “The Way You Make Me Feel”, “Leave Me Alone”, “Heal the World”, “Stranger in Moscow”, and “Earth Song”, the musical composition talent Michael Jackson possessed is a constant reminder of the creativity that flowed through him.

While of course, no one is exactly taught to have sounds that would be in popular music, not everyone understands the magnitude and importance of each musical instrument, the melody, structure and arrangement of a song. It should make the musical mind wonder if there are any tapes of how he exactly composed his landmark songs such as “Billie Jean” and “Earth Song” and the others I named previously. Musical Geniuses may not be born, but some come with the pre-loaded craft to mold and build. Michael Jackson’s musical IQ was a rare but brilliant ability that some musicians and classically trained musicians/singers do not possess. I’ll end with a quote from Michael Jackson about letting a song create itself:

“Don’t write the song, don’t write anything. Let the song create itself. Let the strings tell you what to do and where it should come. Let the piano tell you what chords to hit. Let the bass tell you what it should be doing.” ~ MJ




Source: http://www.starpulse.com/news/Brad_Washington/2012/11/03/michael_jacksons_1993_mexico_depositio

^It's really great to see something so positive and focusing on Michael's genius in the news :)

I've been so put-off lately, with TMZ running photos of male underwear models hanging around the Carolwood Dr house and in Michael's then closet and somehow trying to link it all to the fact that Michael lived there *rolls eyes*
Great article and I am going to save it. Rhilo thank goodness I did not see those articles you are talking about.
It's sad to see Michael going through this grueling interview in court but it gives us a real glimpse into his genius and creative process. You can see his face light up with joy when he listens to the tape of him creating 'The Girl is mine.' It's truly a spiritual process for him to create his songs. By the way Michael won this case against those accusing him of stealing their music. Its self evident by the tapes and his explanations that he did not. They were a gift from above just as he said .
... what a great article... so... guys... lets comment this article on starpulse.com!, not only here..., the journalist has to see the Michael Fanpower, and our appreciation...
Finally someone who gets it that being a songwriter is not equal to being an instrumentalist. Because I have seen people look down on Michael's songwriting because he did not played them on an instrument. It's like saying you can create the best novel ever told, but if you are not able to put it down on a typewriter then you are not really an author. How stupid that would be?

I actually find it very impressive that Michael could construct whole songs, with all the instruments, layers, structures in his head.
By the way Michael won this case against those accusing him of stealing their music. Its self evident by the tapes and his explanations that he did not. They were a gift from above just as he said .

Wasn't this the lawsuit when the guy accusing him claimed he also stole Billie Jean and Thriller from him? Never mind that Thriller was written by Rod Temperton...

There are always people trying their luck.
Finally someone who gets it that being a songwriter is not equal to being an instrumentalist. Because I have seen people look down on Michael's songwriting because he did not played them on an instrument. It's like saying you can create the best novel ever told, but if you are not able to put it down on a typewriter then you are not really an author. How stupid that would be?

I actually find it very impressive that Michael could construct whole songs, with all the instruments, layers, structures in his head.

Anyone who looks down opon Michael's songwriting methods is usually just a music snob. The fact that Michael could compose a song without the help of an instrument is pretty amazing and he should be praised for that. Not looked down opon

I remember an interview where he said he composed Liberian Girl while playing a pin ball machine
I watched this a long timeago, as many of you i imagine, its wonderful!!! Michael was just a genius.. we all know it.
I am hoping the more time that goes by the more Michael will get the respect he deserves. That people will look beyond the tabloid crap which clouds people from seeing the truth.
Anyone who looks down opon Michael's songwriting methods is usually just a music snob. The fact that Michael could compose a song without the help of an instrument is pretty amazing and he should be praised for that. Not looked down opon

I remember an interview where he said he composed Liberian Girl while playing a pin ball machine

Little do these music snobs realise, the jokes on them. Michaels Method of composing was used by all the greats, it's the proper way to do it, don't be fooled by the pics of them sitting at the piano, they'd already figured out entire pieces, and just used the piano or whatever as a notation medium, just like when Michael would sing the parts to his musicians. I think they've been smoking too much pot and listening to too much rock, and believe some silly illusion which they don't even realise actually undermines some of the stars they're trying to compliment regarding instruments.
Little do these music snobs realise, the jokes on them. Michaels Method of composing was used by all the greats, it's the proper way to do it, don't be fooled by the pics of them sitting at the piano, they'd already figured out entire pieces, and just used the piano or whatever as a notation medium, just like when Michael would sing the parts to his musicians. I think they've been smoking too much pot and listening to too much rock, and believe some silly illusion which they don't even realise actually undermines some of the stars they're trying to compliment regarding instruments.

You are so right. Remember when Mozart lying sick and dying in bed "dictated" the symphony to the guy, who was writing it down on the music sheet? The whole thing was already in Mozart's head.

It amazes me how it was so easy to sue Michael and get him into court, and this all escalated after Thriller with Billie Jean.
You are so right. Remember when Mozart lying sick and dying in bed "dictated" the symphony to the guy, who was writing it down on the music sheet? The whole thing was already in Mozart's head.

It amazes me how it was so easy to sue Michael and get him into court, and this all escalated after Thriller with Billie Jean.
it doesn't amaze me how easy it was to get him into court. it's called envy..and them already having known he was a genius, but hating it. It's one of the unfortunate things about our court system.
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Anyone who looks down opon Michael's songwriting methods is usually just a music snob. The fact that Michael could compose a song without the help of an instrument is pretty amazing and he should be praised for that. Not looked down opon

I remember an interview where he said he composed Liberian Girl while playing a pin ball machine

Well said! As if there is only one set way to write a song, lol! People that think like that need to get over themselves.
Anyone who looks down opon Michael's songwriting methods is usually just a music snob. The fact that Michael could compose a song without the help of an instrument is pretty amazing and he should be praised for that. Not looked down opon

I remember an interview where he said he composed Liberian Girl while playing a pin ball machine
OMG! Where's that interview? I LOVE learning about how MJ composed his music and the inspiration for his songs.
It's bittersweet to witness more and more people writing in depth about his talent, after he's gone.
Those of you who have been fans longer than me, you probably feel that even more strongly.
When I first watched the deposition clips, I wasn't really paying attention to how he broke down his songwriting process. I knew this was recorded right before he passed out from uh...exhaustion....? (can't remember the cause), so I think I was just staring at his face, getting worried and feeling sorry for him.
Now I feel like I can focus on what he said more, esp. the details of the songwriting process.
I would still feel bad that he had to go through all this, tho, almost like being tortured, even.

It's sad to see Michael going through this grueling interview in court but it gives us a real glimpse into his genius and creative process. You can see his face light up with joy when he listens to the tape of him creating 'The Girl is mine.' It's truly a spiritual process for him to create his songs. By the way Michael won this case against those accusing him of stealing their music. Its self evident by the tapes and his explanations that he did not. They were a gift from above just as he said .
Well said. Mike was probably like, "OK, where should I begin? Ugh these fools wouldn't even care or understand!" It's painful to watch him having to endure the BS and I feel for him, but at the same time, he looks so confident and.....sexy being professional and doing his thing.