Michael Jackson will be the first to reach 10 Million Facebook fans!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson currently has over 9 million facbook fans, Obama is in second with 6 million+.

Within the next few days he will pass the 10 million mark which is incredible!!!

Before his death he had 800,000

The Beatles and elvis have about a million fans!!!

Just imagine how many copies of a new album would sell, just marketing it to these 10 million facebook fans would create spectacular results, but facebook i just a small percentage of the market, this is proof of the true appeal of the legend!!!
Yeah, I mean... it's kind of bizarre when you see:
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EDIT: And everytime you press "refresh" there's like 20-25 new fans.
I remember the first days, it was hundreds of fans each refresh.
Jesus - yeah.. I've been refreshing every 2 secs and it goes up by 30-40 fans every time lol!
Michael Jackson is currently the most popular person on Facebook. He has been for almost 2 weeks now! I expect him to surpass 10 million fans by the weekend
Wow.. that's awesome.

It's insane, every second there's like few hundred new fans. No one else can beat that.
I just became a fan on facebook. It's so amazing to see a number of how many people are fans of MJ on facebook. The great thing about it is there are millions more that haven't joined facebook yet.
^^ Haters are everywhere but I am sure they are very few. There is no reason for anyone to hate Michael :)
It's still going here on facebook,

it's INCREDIBLE !!!!! every 5 seconds refreshing and you see every time 10 more!!
Ehh, I don't have a Facebook or a MySpace page anymore. Some people take that crap way too seriously. Anybody can click a button and become a 'fan.' I have nothing to prove. Michael ALWAYS had a special place in my heart, and he always will. Haven't went out and bought one single album, either. I have my Thriller album, and it makes me happy for now since I'm a Thriller-Child. I may buy his Music Video DVD, though, since I lost all of my VCR recorded copies when I got divorced. I had almost all of his videos on tape. I'll most likely get the other stuff I don't have when all of the madness/hype dies down.
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Michael jackson now has in excess of 10 million fans just on facebook, that is amazing!!! Obama trails far behind in second place with 6.5 million