Michael Jackson VS Elvis Presly

Michael and Elvis had probably recorded a song together if Elvis had lived longer.
There is also a poll MJ vs Elvis on FB : Who is the Ultimate King ?
I think this is a non-sense to compare Michael and Elvis, they are both greats artists, greats men and they are King in their own kingdom - they shouldn't be compared, for me it's really a non-sense.
I personally don't see what was so great about Elvis. I have an aunt who has always been a big Elvis Presley fan. And I could never understand her fascination with him. Just like she could never understand my fascination with Michael Jackson. Well she is a MJ hater just like I am a Elvis hater. But I really don't hate him as much as much as my aunt hates Michael. But I can not understand why they would call Elvis The King. There is only one king in my eyes and his name is Michael. And to me he is the true king not Elvis.
well, taster differ, but Elvis was, is and will always be one of the world's best entertainers
of course i like Mike more, but believe me, in 30-40 years many people will be like "I don't know why do people like Michael Jackson, he's too overrated", but it won't play down his importance in music history (i wrote HIStory at first by reflex :D)

and by the way, isn't there too many threads about Elvis vs MJ?
He's the King of Rock'n Roll like Michael is the King of Pop - Not at all the same music and the same era, that's why I previously said that we shouldn't compare them -Personnally I like Elvis voice when he sing love songs, very deep and soft.
However I think that Elvis fans are really really hard trashing Michael and the fans. it's not worthy of a true fan.
He's the King of Rock'n Roll like Michael is the King of Pop - Not at all the same music and the same era, that's why I previously said that we shouldn't compare them -Personnally I like Elvis voice when he sing love songs, very deep and soft.
However I think that Elvis fans are really really hard trashing Michael and the fans. it's not worthy of a true fan.

Michael's fans are not better, unfortunately
Is Elvis talented? Yes
Is Elvis so talented that he deserves to be called the King Of Rock N Roll? No
Michael's fans are not better, unfortunately

That's right -_- and that made my feelings mixed because they have to defend Michael, it's hard to ignore what they say but that gives them more reasons to continue to trash him. Very bad :no:.
Is Elvis talented? Yes
Is Elvis so talented that he deserves to be called the King Of Rock N Roll? No

I'm not really agree, Elvis was a great artist in his part and maybe the most famous, Rock'n Roll had many many artists but the one who really marked his place is Elvis - As someone said : when you speak about Elvis it's pointless to add Presley because everybody knows who you are talking about.
Is Elvis talented? Yes
Is Elvis so talented that he deserves to be called the King Of Rock N Roll? No

I tottally agree the man was talented but i dont think he should be the king of rock n roll or a king at all. there were better black pioneers that i feel were better. elvis just got popular to me. because he was a white man in America doing what black people do there best. to me people so dont yal all go off on me for speaking my mind.