Michael Jackson visits Japan Camp Zama Military base 2007


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I suppose it has been posted before but I didn´t find it.
Michael was loved and admired 2007.
He was beautiful
<iframe height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tqYPyxsSH0Y" frameBorder="0" width="420" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
He was extremely good looking in this video. Very stylish and I do love him when he puts his glasses on!
I love watching videos like this because it shows that after the 2005 trial many people still loved Michael Jackson. Some people try to make out that after the trial everyone turned their backs on him and only started to like him again after he died but this video proves otherwise
I love watching videos like this because it shows that after the 2005 trial many people still loved Michael Jackson. Some people try to make out that after the trial everyone turned their backs on him and only started to like him again after he died but this video proves otherwise

When people say that whenever I can, I show them this short but efficient video, also from 2007 :D

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I love watching videos like this because it shows that after the 2005 trial many people still loved Michael Jackson. Some people try to make out that after the trial everyone turned their backs on him and only started to like him again after he died but this video proves otherwise

This is the best example of that. And the next day the media claimed he was booed...

The media really grasp at straws when it comes to trying to turn the public against Michael. I remember not long after he announced that he was gonna perform in London for This Is It an article came out saying that he had plastic surgery done on his ears. At that point i just had to laugh and say ''You guys are getting really desperate now and it's really pathetic''
I love watching videos like this because it shows that after the 2005 trial many people still loved Michael Jackson. Some people try to make out that after the trial everyone turned their backs on him and only started to like him again after he died but this video proves otherwise

I dare anyone making such a claim to name one slight proof of this lie being true! Without being a sentimental fan I have two major arguments that Michael was as big as he could possibly be - after the trial:
1. WMA's in London in 2006 - I was at the Earls court and people went crazy when he arrived on stage. You could see that at least 90% of the audiance were MJ fans and it wasn't really his show (well, not officially).

2. TII - Interesting that someone whom the public supposedly turned their back on still managed to sell 1 million tickets in only 1 city - in a matter of hours!

This is the best example of that. And the next day the media claimed he was booed...

This is a good proof, but let's not forget that an official video doesn't come near to showing the real feeling in the arena because no matter what, the audience's voices are turned down quite a bit. At the scene it was simply crazy. A good example of it was the jacket that Michael threw into the public - it was torn into pieces by fans who wanted to have a piece of it for themselves.
The media saying Michael was booed is true, sadly. I remember my friend who wasn't there, sending me an sms a couple of hours after the show asking me almost in tears what had happened because she read that he had been booed.

P.S. He looked really really good both in London 2006 and in Japan 2007!
I'm glad he saw how much he is still loved. I miss him so much.
The love for Michael was there before he died. His concerts sold out so fast that they could have done more than 50 concerts if Michael had wanted. The problem was that befpre he died some just didn't want to show it or say it and then he dies the whole world felt like it blew up and stopped. I think Michael was loved but I just wish that more people showed it more when he was here to see it.

Now it seems for the most part that everyone loves Michael (I know not everyone) but I still get surprised when I hear it. I guess because I didn't hear it much from others when he was still here. It really is a shame how the media can really hurt someone's life. They really don't know the person they are attacking but yet they victimize people for money, ratings or whatever. I am not saying there are nobody good in the media but it feels rare. I wasn't at the 2006 WMAs but you can see by Michael's reaction that he was touched and I saw that too at the concert announcement.