Michael Jackson Tribute video. Please participate? I need as many people as possible. (:

Alex Alkaline

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey there, I'm Alex. :)

I'm working on a video, and it's set to Man In the Mirror. Since the song is about personal and political change, I'm trying to get fans together to help me with this. I've had a few people send me pictures already. So here's my plan: You take a piece of paper, and a marker or whatever, and write something that has to do with helping other....world peace, personal change...you know. Things like Make love, not war, or heal the world...feed the hungry, help the homeless, things like that. Then take your sign, and your camera and take a picture of yourself with the sign, or if you're camera shy, just the sign is okay too. :) Also, if there is something you want to say, a comment or something....just to let the world know...from a quote, or something you made up, to a simple I love you Michael, include that in the email and I'll be sure to put it in the video. I want to get as many people as possible to help! This is a tribute to Michael, and all the thing's he's done. And to show that Michael fans stick together.

So if you could, please, help me with this video. I really want to make it happen.

If you have pictures, please email them to me at

Please include your name and age. :)
I'll be sure to put ALL pictures in the video, if there's more than needed, I'll use a second song, which I'm thinking will be Heal The World.

Peace and Love,
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Can it be a picture with a quote or something on it. I dont have a camera right now and its kinda hard 4 me to do it. I've taken a pic not long ago, and i could have a comment or something with it. Is that OK?


That's perfectly fine with me! :)