Michael Jackson Tribute Movie


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi guys,

I just wanted to drop a link to a MJ montage I put together to commemorate our king! Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWVs484a-Ls&feature=channel_page

I used a lot of home videos and rare videos of him having fun and smiling--the side of Michael not many people, except his fans, got to see.

Anyways, I hope that this video brings you some joy in your day and reminds you of the light that Michael brought to our world. Remember, he wants us to smile :)


Peace & Love
Thanks guys! :)

BTW ThrillerChild-- I LOVE your tattoo, I saw it in one of the other threads, and I must say, that is a rockin' tattoo!! Michael would be so proud of your commitment :) He has the most loyal fans in the world!
Thanks for your nice comments. I still cry when I hear MJ songs, and I don't think any of us will really ever get over his death. The thing that worries me the most is his children though. I honestly feel that from the birth of his first son prince onward were the happiest years of his life, and that raising his kids was going to be the most joyful period of his lifetime. I wish he would have been able to live those years out and be proud of his kids. I hope they're doing okay. Especially little Blanket :(
Thx for posting, that's really beautiful^^
My tears come back again...
but can anyone tell me what is the name of this song???
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