Michael Jackson 'This Is It' Duet Singer Judith Hill Comes Forward Last Night


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson 'This is it' Duet Singer Judith Hill
Comes Forward Last Night

At the moment Judith Hill is unsigned, but that will probably not be true for long. Last night she was on the “Brian McKnight Show.”

Click on video:

Lush – soulful - unique - a throwback - a flashforward. Judith Hill is all those things and more. She is a gifted songstress of incredibly exotic beauty who rides through scales artfully and effortlessly displaying her many years of training, and perhaps more importantly, a natural gift and true passion for singing.

According to the bio on Hill’s official Website, “Judith was born in Los Angeles and raised in a family of musicians. Her mother is an immigrant from Japan who met her father in a funk band in the 1970s.” In her bio, it is written that Judith did what so many do after graduation: went abroad. She chose France where she performed with and was profoundly impressed by French singer, Michel Polnareff. The experience had quite an impact on her. “France is where I collected my stories,” she confesses. “It was everything from finding true love, to sitting on the curb with gypsies, to running away from thugs (don’t ask), to just taking in the beauty of such an amazing country. I came back rich.”

However there is no question. It is not her biracial features or upbringing or sophomoric escapades in Europe or her gravity-defying mane of hair that made this innocently, sexy and soulful woman in blue jeans Michael Jackson’s chosen songbird. Let’s be serious. If thousands of dancers showed up, there must also have been thousands of singers. She was chosen for her talent. Judith is an extraordinary singer and just the one needed to round out Jackson’s “This Is It,” tour indubitably for her ability to sing with or above his falsetto, to stand beside him and trill “I Just Can’t Stop Loving You.”

As a fully shared duet with her standing beside him, mirroring his gestures, blending voices with him for millions of fans, it would have been magical, transcendent. Instead, it will be seen, perhaps also by millions, being rehearsed with Michael, perhaps made more precious by her hesitancy in rehearsal and her earnest attempts to try to read what he was communicating to her in his quirky way. Her awe of him is almost palpable, though she is a truly gifted singer in her own right. She spoke of her admiration of Jackson and how amazing it was to be performing with him, a man whose songs she had sung as a child. Instead of taking that stage with him, she ended up in a bitter sweet lead delivering “Heal the World” at the Memorial for Jackson before millions of mourning viewers around the world.

As with the others who were hand-picked as the best of the best of thousands, she was obviously deeply moved by the experience of meeting Michael Jackson, and by the experience of losing him. Her new single speaks to that. A few lines of the lyrics on her webpage read
“They took the boxes off the stage
my heart was crushed in disarray
the world was frozen and engaged
to find the King had slipped away..”
At the moment Judith Hill is unsigned, but that will probably not be true for long.

“They took the boxes off the stage
my heart was crushed in disarray
the world was frozen and engaged
to find the King had slipped away..”

Oh God. :cry:
:cry: :no:

She should have been riding high with the success of the tour.......not dealing with mourning of mj :no: so unfair
I hope she becomes hugely successful. She's so lovely.

That verse made me cry :(
If you look on her web page it has more lyrics...and if you join the mailing list they send you the song...

The lyrics...

Oh no the lyrics..

“They took the boxes off the stage
my heart was crushed in disarray
the world was frozen and engaged
to find the King had slipped away..”

It makes tears come to my eyes just reading this..
she's a really good singer, she sang 'heal the world' beautifully at mj's memorial.
this made me really think - when I watched the movie I was like - OK, we are in pain for not seeing this... But what about all those people who were there with him? They must be crushed... :(
Her new single speaks to that. A few lines of the lyrics on her webpage read
“They took the boxes off the stage
my heart was crushed in disarray
the world was frozen and engaged
to find the King had slipped away..”
At the moment Judith Hill is unsigned, but that will probably not be true for long.


:cry: :cry: Bawled my eyes out even more after watching the movie.
Espescially the part rehearsing ICSLY :cry:
Michael Jackson 'This is it' Duet Singer Judith Hill
Comes Forward Last Night

At the moment Judith Hill is unsigned, but that will probably not be true for long. Last night she was on the “Brian McKnight Show.”

Click on video:

Lush – soulful - unique - a throwback - a flashforward. Judith Hill is all those things and more. She is a gifted songstress of incredibly exotic beauty who rides through scales artfully and effortlessly displaying her many years of training, and perhaps more importantly, a natural gift and true passion for singing.

According to the bio on Hill’s official Website, “Judith was born in Los Angeles and raised in a family of musicians. Her mother is an immigrant from Japan who met her father in a funk band in the 1970s.” In her bio, it is written that Judith did what so many do after graduation: went abroad. She chose France where she performed with and was profoundly impressed by French singer, Michel Polnareff. The experience had quite an impact on her. “France is where I collected my stories,” she confesses. “It was everything from finding true love, to sitting on the curb with gypsies, to running away from thugs (don’t ask), to just taking in the beauty of such an amazing country. I came back rich.”

However there is no question. It is not her biracial features or upbringing or sophomoric escapades in Europe or her gravity-defying mane of hair that made this innocently, sexy and soulful woman in blue jeans Michael Jackson’s chosen songbird. Let’s be serious. If thousands of dancers showed up, there must also have been thousands of singers. She was chosen for her talent. Judith is an extraordinary singer and just the one needed to round out Jackson’s “This Is It,” tour indubitably for her ability to sing with or above his falsetto, to stand beside him and trill “I Just Can’t Stop Loving You.”

As a fully shared duet with her standing beside him, mirroring his gestures, blending voices with him for millions of fans, it would have been magical, transcendent. Instead, it will be seen, perhaps also by millions, being rehearsed with Michael, perhaps made more precious by her hesitancy in rehearsal and her earnest attempts to try to read what he was communicating to her in his quirky way. Her awe of him is almost palpable, though she is a truly gifted singer in her own right. She spoke of her admiration of Jackson and how amazing it was to be performing with him, a man whose songs she had sung as a child. Instead of taking that stage with him, she ended up in a bitter sweet lead delivering “Heal the World” at the Memorial for Jackson before millions of mourning viewers around the world.

As with the others who were hand-picked as the best of the best of thousands, she was obviously deeply moved by the experience of meeting Michael Jackson, and by the experience of losing him. Her new single speaks to that. A few lines of the lyrics on her webpage read
“They took the boxes off the stage
my heart was crushed in disarray
the world was frozen and engaged
to find the King had slipped away..”
At the moment Judith Hill is unsigned, but that will probably not be true for long.


Oh Judith Hill Did a wonderful Job with Michael on their duet with I Just Can’t Stop Loving You. I love how she made him Sing and he was like why do you guys do this to me, Michael was feeling the moment. She did a wonderful job also
Wow... That made me cry. Been a tough day today for many of us it seems :(
“They took the boxes off the stage
my heart was crushed in disarray
the world was frozen and engaged
to find the King had slipped away..”
