Michael Jackson the silenced truth

He was, too bad too many people were blind. It's the only thing that aggrivates me. I feel like there's no place for good, generous people in this world. You are bound to get hurt.
What makes me angry is that when Mike does charity work the media doesn't speak a word about it but when someone like Bono from U2 does charity work the media talk about it all the time and treat them like some kind of saints
Its just to hard for me. I cant handle this anymore. I will never be happy again... Hes gone. Where do we go from here? Its scares me.
Its just to hard for me. I cant handle this anymore. I will never be happy again... Hes gone. Where do we go from here? Its scares me.

We pick up where he left off. That's what we do now. It's been hard for many, me included. I've felt very lost but I'm slowly figuring it out. I need to do not just what I want to do, but what I was born to do. Next year I start school and I'm now going to double my schooling and go for both Paramedic (to help people and contribute to society) and Photograhy (my greatest creative talent).

Mike's death was real hard on me but I'm figuring out that his death has to turn INTO something positive for me. No pun intended, but this is it... for me, I need to fullfill my dreams and help people.

You'll be happy again. But you need to turn that sorrow and sadness into something constructive. Then do that one thing to the very best of your ability. That way, you are channeling his love into something, you know what i mean? :better:

As far as those videos, I can't get enough of them either. They are SO beautiful. I send them to my friends who aren't even fans just to show them, like SEE, look at what he was doing! He was beautiful and radiated so much love to so many and he didn't have to have an audience to do it. :wub:

Personally this is my very favorite one, I probably watch it once a week or more, it's very inspiring to me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPe_c5F-_Ng

(sorry I've rambled a bit :) )
What makes me angry is that when Mike does charity work the media doesn't speak a word about it but when someone like Bono from U2 does charity work the media talk about it all the time and treat them like some kind of saints

That's because Bono tells everyone when he's going on a visit to Africa or holding an AIDS event, or holdig a free concert and makes sure the press are there but MJ never did. 'True charity isn't waving a flag and saying look at me', to quote the great man himself.

I saw the first video a few months ago and I was just in buckets of tears when I saw it. My sweet angel, you were too good for this world.
That's because Bono tells everyone when he's going on a visit to Africa or holding an AIDS event, or holdig a free concert and makes sure the press are there but MJ never did. 'True charity isn't waving a flag and saying look at me', to quote the great man himself.

I saw the first video a few months ago and I was just in buckets of tears when I saw it. My sweet angel, you were too good for this world.

That's definitely so true. Sure i don't want to take anything away from Bono, he does great things, but i never really realized it, but what you say is true. Michael never walked around like 'hey look at me, i'm going to give back to charity'. He said that before in a interview, that it comes from his heart and doesn't need to walk around bragging about it. That's the big difference between Bono and Michael.

Of course because of this, alotta people will never think of charity work when they think of Michael, because he wasn't a walking advertisement, like Bono compared to Michael, really was/is.
It hurts me, it hurts me so much, why they choose to destroy him like they did, he was a good man, why they did everything to make him die, Michael had to endure all that in his front, i feel so desapointed by hs death, i know he wanted to live, how he cared about the earth, he lastd as much as he could, how long could a person endure so much bad press, he had to go through IV to sleep, that is so painful, only to sleep, his mind must have been so hurt...

we need to continue his real side, the side of a good man, he was a good man, he was, he should be alive, but should he really be alive, with all the media making money out of lies, why should he still be alive, he was going through so much pain, i think he-s better now, its so hard, the only way he got to sleep naturally was with his death, now he no longer suffers, like he said once, NOONE SHOULD HAVE TO SUFFER, but i miss him. :cry:
I didn't want to cry today ... :cry:
We need to follow Michaels path even if it's only a beaten path around our home. If many are doing so we can change something.
Personally this is my very favorite one, I probably watch it once a week or more, it's very inspiring to me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPe_c5F-_Ng

A little bit ago, a friend of mine who isn't really an MJ fan watched this because she said she knew nothing about MJ's charitable side (because they never really reported it much) and she was curious.

I just watched her totally break down and sob watching it :( And now she wants to know WHY she never saw this kind of stuff.

I don't have much of an answer for her.... other than media bias :mello:
That video literally managed to bring the tears before it ended. I couldn't help get chocked up towards the end.

thanks for posting it.

You know...Sometimes I wonder... He was such a good person, but he got picked apart harder than anyone I know on the face of this planet. And while it is horrible in all sorts of obvious levels. I can't help but also look at it as the ULTIMATE test he had to go through before finally transcending into the highest regards beyond this existence... Call it what you want. Heaven, grace land, promise land, etc...
And he passed with flying colors in my humble opinion.
A true champ. A real super hero.

My God...what have we lost...
Besides the music, this was another side of Michael that I loved and wanted to emulate. I felt the same way as Michael about changing the world and making it better for all and not just the fortunate. Mike was a true inspiration and I hope that I can continue what he started, only if it is on a smaller scale than what Mike has done. God will bless Mike!
He was a true humanitarian!

He was too goos for this world.
Never saw this before, it really brightened up my day! Thank you for sharing!

Yw, I ran into it a few weeks ago and thought it was just the most amazing video I've ever seen about MJ and his charitable, selfless love for kids. I've probaby watched it a dozen times or even a few dozen times since I found it.... When I need a little inspiration, all I need to do is watch it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPe_c5F-_Ng

I'm glad my friend watched it. She cried her eyes out, then got mad, then we had a really good discussion about his charity work. It dissapoints me that so many people don't know all the good he's done.