Michael Jackson: The Man Behind the Mask


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011


Did anyone read this book?

I saw it at a local bookstore and I was wondering if I should buy it.

Now I know the history between MJ and Bob Jones, and I know some might say he wrote this book for revenge or something.

But we don't know the true full story. If anything it might be him. I mean has he ever been discredited as a non-reliable source?

If not, then this book might actually be factual considering he was behind everything in MJ camp for over 20 years. Hes literally seen it all.

So what does it have in there? For those who read it.
lmao! u almost made me think i had deja vu or something and freak out!!!! i so went to Max Jax and saw ur thread and like "wtf?!?! i know i just saw that on mjjc or was that maxjax!...or was that mjjc?" lmao! i was all confused
Yea. I post the same thing on both forums. lol
Bob Jones....he has nothing good to say bout Michael.........so I'm sure his book will be full of BS!
tabloid book. During the 2005 trial, he admitted he sensationalized many things in the book so that it could sell well. guess what the book was a big flop.
Yea. I read something in MJ: Conspiracy about that.