Michael Jackson: The Magic, The Madness, The Whole Story, 1958-2009 (Hardcover)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

There will be an overload of such books. Already there is an overload of information on TV and newspapers.

Unfortunately for them, people don't buy books a lot as they used to as they can get the same info free online.

And anyone buying such a book will most likely buy Aphrodite Jones one which has a more powerful title.

I just wish Michael had written his own autobiography.
There will be an overload of such books. Already there is an overload of information on TV and newspapers.

Unfortunately for them, people don't buy books a lot as they used to as they can get the same info free online.

And anyone buying such a book will most likely buy Aphrodite Jones one which has a more powerful title.

I just wish Michael had written his own autobiography.

God, so do I. An update on Moonwalk would have been good. I can't believe JRT with his book update - damn ugly.
I did quite like this book when I had an old edition so I might be tempted to buy this...
I did quite like this book when I had an old edition so I might be tempted to buy this...

Me too, it's the only book i read on him though? Not sure what else is good to get ... But it made for a very insightful and good read.
Taraborelli didnt wait long now did he...On top of that he's been writing for some website about the days preceding Mike's death, looks like someone finally found something to do with his time.

Swedian said recently that his book didn't have anything negative about MJ...but I 'member a thread a while back saying how he talked smack, do anyone got a link to that?
Obviously it's not the whole story since he didn't even wait for the cause of death... I'm pretty sure I know what he's gonna say though, I read the first book. *rolls eyes*
The official cause of death hasn't even been determined! Just fill in the blanks. Typical Taraborrelli.
ok, soooo apparently Bruce's book was in the makings for a while, and I preordered a copy. JRT's book I'm NOT gonna get- the first edition i love, but after that=NO
JRT's book I'm NOT gonna get- the first edition i love, but after that=NO

Really? Was looking at it and was considering, but I guess I'll take it off my list. I have the first edition also and found it to be enjoyable and a very interesting read. Not negative or bashing. Will keep my old tattered copy that is literally split into 4 parts because of excessive reading. I'm actually scanning it to my comp and would be happy to share with anyone who would like it when I'm done.
I think i gonna read Moonwalk again soon.. I loved that book. And OMG Taraborrelli is sure fast. Did read his the magic and the madness back in the days and i don't remember a thing of it hahaha only that his half sister is mentioned in there. I don't think i gonna read that new version.. A lot of untrue things about his death will be in there for sure. I hope that one day someone does write a book with only true facts from the beginning to the end. That might be cool for the next generations to come i think.