Michael Jackson: The Afterlife Experiences (book)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson: The Afterlife Experiences.
A Theology of Michael Jackson's Life and Lyrics

This book is written by a clairvoyant/psychic who has supposedly been in contact with MJs spirit since and even before his passing. Now before you pass any negative judgement i suggest you give it a read (its entirely free) I find it a truly fascinating and intriguing read. It also makes me feel comforted thinking MJ is at peace and is happy, whilst singing with the angels (literally).

The e-book is entirely free but you will need the software 'Adobe Reader' to read it.

Here is the e-book (completely free): http://outofbodytravel.org/images/Michael_Jackson,_The_Afterlife_Experiences,_By_Marilynn_Hughes.pdf

More info on the book and the author here: http://outofbodytravel.org/outofbodytravelbooks/michaeljacksonafterlife.html
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I like fairy tales but this is ridiculous!

I can see why it is free......nobody will buy it!

These people with such powers and abilities never do anything to help the countless starving people in the world!
I agree this is ridiculous...I cannot even entertain the thought of this...sorry....thank you for the post though..:)
No one knows where Michael is now, or whether he still IS at all.
I personally belong to the sceptics. I've read a bit, and gave up. Personally these psychic / mind reading people annoy the living daylights out of me.

Thanks for posting, though, just because I think it's bull doesn't mean someone else will not enjoy it.
I say all this with L.O.V.E. - no offence intended. :)
Ok - I read into it and just did a WTF with my neck I almost whip-lashed it.

That she saw MJ in some purgatory state with 4 guardians and with prosthetic legs?

That's some crazy talk there!
Ok - note to everyone - go to Page 92 and read it from there on.

It's very esoteric and combines Christianity & Buddhism, but has a lot of beautiful imagery & visions.

There is a tendency of the author to do a Rabbi Shmuley in that she puts herself & her opinions into the narrative versus telling the experiences.

It reads very scattered - but the visions are a very nice read - if you're in the mood for an LSD type read, this would be it.

BTW, she quotes a lot of Paramahansa Yogananda, the Hindu Guru that's also buried in Forest Lawn Glendale's Great Mausoleum.
To me it doesn't make sense with what I believe about the afterlife. Sorry.
Well, I read the whole thing. I try to keep an open mind about this stuff but it sure is difficult. I liked the part with the snow. I'm glad there's snow in the afterlife.:) I hope there's no humidity.

I did not enjoy the part where he is screaming with anger.:(

Wherever Michael is I hope he is happy and at peace.
I believe that some people are gifted and can connect with those who have passed, however, some of the things this author is saying couldn't be for real... Could a person really leave their body and meet Jesus Christ? Is it possible? I'm not sure. Nice read anyway... Thank you for posting.
I've been avoiding this thread since it was opened, 'cause I didn't know what to expect. And now I still don't know what to think. I believe some people have certain gifts to connect with, but I also believe some people will use something like his passing to garner money and readers - they know things like this will pique people's curiosity. I haven't read it and I don't know the author, so I can't tell you what the truth is. I just know I'm not ready to read something like this. Real or completely fabricated - I just don't think I could stomach it. No matter how blissful it may seem, I'm not ready to entertain the possibilities of what he's experiencing in detail. I just believe he's happy, safe, and free. That's as far as I can go right now.

Also, If the author truly believes it, then I think it's wrong to have not kept his privacy. It's way too soon. And tbh, that comes across as tacky. =/
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To me it doesn't make sense with what I believe about the afterlife. Sorry.
I read about half of it last night. So far I have to totally agree with this statement. For me either. Don't think I have the energy to read more tonight, but I'll finish it at some point.
I believe some of it as she seems to understand Michael the person but the bit where he's entered the "great silence" just sounds like a shakespear play. LMAO.

P.S. If it is true, then I'm sorry Mike :(.
I found it silly how when supposedly Michael was exchanging thoughts with the psychic he sounded all Biblical (glad she interpreted...heh) and then when he actually spoke he sounded normal, like himself. Crazzzzy. Gotta read this stuff with a sense of humor.
I believe Michael, as we all will be, a spirit. I do not believe we are born, we live, fall in love, we die and that is the end of everything. No way.
I read it all last night and even if this is baloney in regards to MJ contacting her and all that stuff, there are still some good reflective and meaningful comments towards the end.

Its a nice read anyway.. maybe from page 92 like Sirena said, though I haven't looked back to check.
I couldn't follow through as she keeps changing the subject and not getting to the cream-filling(this supposed outer-body experience).

I knew something like this would eventually pop up. I'm surprised Ghost-Hunters hasn't jumped into the bandwagon.:laughing:
I couldn't follow through as she keeps changing the subject and not getting to the cream-filling(this supposed outer-body experience).

I knew something like this would eventually pop up. I'm surprised Ghost-Hunters hasn't jumped into the bandwagon.:laughing:

LOL! That show is ridiculous! I remember that South Park episode where they talk about dead celebrities & showed the Ghosthunters spoof, they totally nailed them.
Michael is in heaven.... He will be there for eternity...may he rest in peace and joy...