Michael Jackson & Stephen King ...?


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
Ok so I'm watching this interview from 1996 and so I'm about 13 years too late lol but I had no idea he liked Stephen King's work! Let alone, knew Stephen King personally!! I knew Michael liked horror films but Stephen King is to me anyway, is a bit 'too scary'.

anyway thought I'd post. Thanks.
Didn't they work together on the Ghost video/short film? Stephen King is my favorite author. I wonder which of his books was Michael's favorite, assuming he read all or most of them. Anyone know? I'll take a guess...Pet Sematary.
yes Stephen King worked with Michael on Ghosts, Thats a god question maybe someone here knows his fave. S.K book....
Last summer, Stephen King wrote an article about working with Michael in Entertainment Weekly. I like Stephen King's books, but, in articles like this, he seems to be a little conceited. Also, he calls Michael the "self-anointed King of Pop." The rest of the article is interesting - especially the story about the phone number.

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same ole thing. big stars egos get damaged when they worked with mj. they got to see what a real superstar was like. quincy is a fine example of that
Stephen King mentioned "the self-anointed King of Pop "otherwise I think it was a nice story.
"This is a sadness that's all too common in people who possess talent in amounts so great it has become a burden instead of a blessing."

I think there is tremendous truth in this SK statement about MJ. If being a lesser talent meant less would have been expected from him from others AND himself, perhaps his life would have been simpler and generally happier. As others have said, his immense talents made him a target for others to tear him down.

ETA: Glad he also acknowledged he was "extraordinarily beautiful" (despite the surgery mention) Most columnists never mention his looks, except to say something derisive.
I also re-read some articles King wrote in EW before and after the trial. Seemed to be mostly on MJ's side (give or take a questionable phrase or two). He sure did let the media have it.