Michael Jackson - Staging the Return (beyond the show) This Is It


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA
Its just so incredible what could have been. Michael was amazing even with all that he was going through to get there. I love the concept of MJ AIR

Michael Jackson Staging the Return (beyond the show) "

Why did it have to happen that exact year? This is quite painfull no matter what:cry:you said you'll be there Mike
From 10:31 I had to stop watching. I always get teary eyed when I see that part, because I think that was the last day when he rehearsed. He was so happy, laughing about hysterically about whatever he thought was funny, only to go home, and have what happened, happen. I don't think I'll ever fully be able to get over this. :cry:
in the morning before my flight I had a strange dream as if Michael was watching from above, then I woke up, went to the air-port, took one air-plane, then I took another air-plane and then they brought news-papers with MJ huge photo on the front page saying he has passed away. As I don't really believe the newspapers I decided to wait for the end of my 10 hour flight untill there will be some more explanation. But I just couldn't take a newspaper and read about it or look at the photo. I felt very sad only some months later when I saw some MJ videos at youtube again. I wasn't watching any memorials or so. Some months later I was still at that location at the beach, they issued "this is it" song, I recorded it on my player to listen at the beach and felt sad that I could now walk and enjoy beach, ocean, sun and for MJ it is all already over and he can't feel it or enjoy it anymore. Also I couldn't believe somebody could do it to MJ, could dare touch him or do something to him, but unfortunately it happened.