Michael Jackson song about "belonging"...please help!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hi guys,

for english we are doing "belonging" and i need to fine another text of my own, which can include a song, and or filmclip. I would love to do something MJ because i can probably better my results as id be more interested in exploring the meaning behind his song/filmclip and its revelance to belonging.

i thought of beat it as it has a story about gangs, and i guess the coming together/belonging of two opposing groups, but im not 100% convinced it will fit, any suggestions? i know mj never really felt like he truely "belonged" so im almost certain theres something biographical out there.
I think childhood and they don't care about us are great examples of that.

Childhood was MJ's message of NOT belonging with the world. Like everyone moved on but he stayed (or wanted to stay) in that phrase all his life, he was misunderstood.

They don't care about us is also a great example of not belonging. The song is open fire against the US government (and all governments for that matter) He openly says " I can't believe this is the land from which I came" in the songs.

for songs or pieces that MJ felt like he belonged.....hm... I'd probably say Earth Song or heal the world. He's always hugging and socializing with other performers in those pieces. He also frequently uses "we" in both songs, indicating a sign of "belongingness" :p

um... I hope that helped?
you guys are great help!!
thank you so much

if you have anymore suggestions please keep me posted! :)
Ric Kipp wrote the winning entry for the lyrics of "I Have This Dream."

In the end of the chorus it sings "every child who's born, needs to believe that he belongs."

If only he sang it :(