Michael Jackson saved my Grandma


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA
This is a great story. Not sure if its been posted before
but it desearves a repeat :)

There is also an audio link on the blog
of the person telling the story on his
friends radio station _ Its very cool :yes:

In december 1997, my maternal grandparents, joseph and concetta delisi, were on an american airlines flight
from JFK to LAX. sitting coach, they were visiting my family for christmas. a couple of hours into the flight, my
grandma (literally) falls ill. what started as a stomach ache, ended with granny fainting and tumbling into the aisle.
when she awakes, hovering above (next to my grandpa) and holding out his hand is Michael Jackson. :wild:

i love this kind of stories, thanks for sharing!
michael was the sweetest and most caring person ever!!
i can imagine his mom face when opening the door and seeing michael holding his grandparents bags hahaa shocking indeed!!
awww ...i wish more people were like michael but i guess he was one of a kind :(
this is so cute story!! I love you Michael :wub:
Its such a beautiful story. Michael was always so loving and put others first, never himself. I think Kenny said it best when he said 'Michael was an angel walking the planet.'
What a great wonderful story that was. I miss him so extremely much. :boohoo: It makes me wonder if he is taking good care of both of my grandmothers and grandfathers up in Heaven. As well as my favorite aunt who was 50 when she had died. Almost a week before Christmas of 2001. I sure hope that he is. :sad: :weeping:
Oh wow. How beautiful. Michael truly was so pure and sweet. An angel. He had such a beautiful heart. :cry: So kind. What a great story.

chats it up with *****.

How disrespectful and rude to somebody who saved your loved one...

Michael. :hug: :heart:
Ok, you're all angry about the the word J*cko being used. Well to most people it's not a negative name made by the press, I know alot of people just think it's a nickname. He's not any less or any more grateful because he called him a nickname.
when she woke up she probably thought that she had died and was already in heaven...she probably thought that she was looking into the face of ace angel......and she was.
That's our Michael. I miss him :cry: I'm glad his grandmother recovered. Thank you for sharing qbee.
I've been feeling so down lately and this story just made me smile :wub: Thanks for posting this!

I ♥ you Mike!
This story is incredible. :wild: :wub: I think if I were in her place, I do not know how I would react. I think it's time I looked and saw that MJ was near me I would think: "I'm going crazy and I'm hallucinating" or I just die with excitement. lol! :wild: Michael is the most amazing human being I know. :yes: :wub:
I love hearing these kind of stories about Michael! It warmed my heart to read this. Michael was always so concerned about others and went out of his way to help. It breaks my heart that some people chose to treat him with such cruelty in return - he didn't deserve any of it. :depressed: I miss you, Michael. The world is definately a little less darker without you. :weeping:
This is a wonderful and touching story..I love to hear good things about michael he was one of a kind I know anybody who had a chance to meet him or even talk to him can feel his god like presence he knew the word of god and went by it. Love, prosperity, humanity reall surrounded him throughout his life god bless him r.i.p to the greatest. I always try my best to express the meaning loving each other as one for a reason glad michael was able to do it best.