Michael Jackson pop music studies?

Mr. Norway

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was just wondering... I read some time ago that the University of Liverpool was to offer a degree in Beatles history or something (don´t remember exactly the term), which was to focus on Beatles´importance and influence in music history. Is there a reason that a degree similar to this could not be done with MJ? I mean, MJ has made a deep impact, too, and broken barriers and stuff. Should there be something similar for him?

When that´s said I don´t know what we could use a degree like that for but I guess just as much as a Beatles degree. What do you think??
In the USA, some colleges have courses on Madonna. I heard that one college has a course on Bob Dylan songs and another college on Tupac Shakur songs. They're just classes though, I don't think you can get a degree in them, lol.
Related, but not...I've always been interested in what folk who make their living studying music has had to say about Michael's work. I googled "Michael Jackson musicology" about a week ago and unfortunately what I discovered were mixed reviews at best. Most of the things I read were written in the last weeks since his death and I don't know if, as a way of possibly offsetting all the public adulation for him that's been going on, they wrote more disparaging analyses, or if their thoughts were sincere. Whatever the reason, they weren't the most flattering (Ok, maybe I'm speaking with my fan blinders on. Maybe they were being very fair and I'm being overly sensitive to criticism. I can admit that).

I won't bother posting any here. Just do a google search using the parameters I used and you'll find some of it.

Interestingly enough, I did find that Yale University sponsored a Michael Jackson conference in 2004 (google that too for more info), but basically, it seemed the focus of it was to talk about the man that "was" and analyzing him through the lenses of race, gender, and sexuality.
The Beatles were SUCH an integral part of rock and roll history. I took a Beatles course in university last semester. It was seriously life changing. I can honestly say that the Beatles are one of my favourite bands and I can back it up with exact reasons as to why.

I genuinely feel that the same can be done for Michael. But I think it shouldn't be a course in music history, I think it should be a pop culture course because his impact on pop culture has been unlike anything else in history.
My literature professor said that people were writing their Thesis's on the poetry of Bob Dylan so i can totally see Michael being studied too.
I think studying MIchael's music and other bands music in gen would be like a literature course. It's symbolism and Narrative galore