michael jackson painted in the 17th century!

It reminds me of that photo where he also looked so similar to a statue of a person in an Egyptian dynasty. It was posted before. Does anyone have a link again? lol
Okay. So you can see a slight resemblance. Why do they put all the Smooth Criminal stuff at the end though? What's that all about? Lol
That's scary... Why this emerges now? I heard someone says Michael wanted to look like that man, but if so, why!?!
LOL, reminds me of the Egyptian statue in Chicago at the Field Museum.

Added: Here's a link I found... http://totallylookslike.com/2008/07/28/michael-jackson But you can find many pics taken from different angles on Flickr or wherever. They call it the "MJ bust" at the museum even, lol. No one knows who it was made to look like. Haha, but we know, jk ;)
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Probably he was an angel. Michael isnt it an angel's name?
hmmm....this is remarkable I do see some similarities. Thanks for posting.
its one thing to say he looks like someone, but to say he may have lived in another life why does michael have to be compared to a white guy with a cleft? i want to see a guy with mj's natural look , then we can say michael lived in another life ..yea im serious about this cuz im bored as hell. lol the egyptian one is pretty interesting though, his real gazing eyes and exact lip shape is pretty amazing.
The Egyptian one is particularly amazing with the lip shape and eyes. And, the fact that Michael was very into Egyptian type things...as he decorated his whole house around this kind of theme. I wouldn't be surprised if he had an Egyptian past life. Maybe that was subconsciously part of why he changed his face the way he did.