Michael Jackson on YouTube


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Since Michael passed away there has been an explosion of people visiting YouTube to watch Michael. My own channel has had an increase in hits by a factor of 100. I have done some research on YouTube, looking at videos and channels and the result is breathtaking.

Ever since YouTube was launched there have been tons of uploads, but after his death this has gone through the roof. I guess alot of people here knows this, but I would like to make a request to everyone who has an extensive collection on their PC.

Let us make Michael Jackson the most dominant figure on YouTube. Kids especially use YouTube alot and as we all wish to continue Michaels legacy, YouTube has become a powerful tool to do this.

If you have an extensive collection, and have not yet made your own channel, please create a channel and upload everything you got. It does not matter if your videos have already been uploaded by others, because the more videos are uploaded the more hits Michael will get.

There are also alot of haters spreading their garbage on YouTube, but I think we can destroy their efforts by making Michael the number one searched person on YouTube.

I will continue to share my collection as long as YouTube exists and I hope there will be more channels. Right now there are three channels with an extensive amount of uploaded MJ videos.

These are the three channels with hundreds of videos.




YouTube is only going to get bigger and more people will use it in the future. Let us create more channels and make Michael The King Of YouTube.
thank you it'd be great to compile a list of rare home footage, interviews, rehearsals and demo songs . The rare stuff please.
my tribute video has had 90,000 views now

my user is Screengems1 if anyone wants to add me