Michael Jackson Nomination 2010 Nobel Peace Prize

aw guys! mj's already been nominated two times while he was alive!
So it's not like his actions went unnoticed ;) plus the nobel peace prize is not awarded posthumously... But since it's mj I'll vote anyway!
aw guys! mj's already been nominated two times while he was alive!
So it's not like his actions went unnoticed ;) plus the nobel peace prize is not awarded posthumously... But since it's mj I'll vote anyway!

There NEVER was any limits for MJ.

He always did it the FIRST time before anybody else, in life and in the afterlife.

So who knows? Maybe if we get it together enough - it could happen.

God knows MJ did more for peace & human rights than Obama did.
I love Michael, and do what I can to promote his legacy. But not this, sorry. He deserves much credit... but there are others more deserving for the Nobel Peace Prize.
I love Michael, and do what I can to promote his legacy. But not this, sorry. He deserves much credit... but there are others more deserving for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Like who? Even though i think these things are highly political and the people recieving these awards did not truly live up to the true essence of what the awards mean. AND it is for this reason I ask why not MJ we know he really was a peace lover and did all he can to bring peace while he was here.
Maybe they never change the rules for the price but I think its a way to tell the word what kind of person he was.
They maybe think if that many persons think he deserves the nobel peace price, maybe there is something behind it and they start to read more about MJ on internet.When they find the oxford speech they become new fans.At least they begin to say good things about him.
This petition should of been made in facebook. I remember Aussies made a petition on facebook to bring MJ's This Is It to Australia and 60,000 aussies signed the petition within 3 weeks. It made the papers in Australia as well so it got free PR just because of the sheer response. So I think a facebook petition would be much more effective. On average people have 100 to 300 friends, some people may have 500 to 1000 friends on facebook so they would then send all of them a suggestion to join and that's how it grows.
The same group of people who chose Obama will not choose Michael.
Michael doesn't need this award.
He should have been recognised for bringing people together a long time ago...Nobel or not.
Like who? Even though i think these things are highly political and the people recieving these awards did not truly live up to the true essence of what the awards mean. AND it is for this reason I ask why not MJ we know he really was a peace lover and did all he can to bring peace while he was here.

There is no question MJ was a great humanitarian, who dedicated his life to alleviating the suffering of children... and sacrificed more than his fair share for that. He was indeed a lover of peace, and spoken often of this. He had the most massive international, cross-cultural and cross-generational appeal of any contemporary musical artist. Earth Song, We Are The World... these are among the most powerful and popular antiwar (and environment advocacy) songs of all time.

But I need help with the specific evidence of greater peace and less war, that specific actions by him produced. If I were to name names, you know as well as I that it would undoubtedly provoke irrelevant heated controversy here... and wouldn't matter to you anyway. So there's no need for the argumentative tone. This is a reasonable thing that reasonable people can disagree on.

Many are peace lovers who've done all they can to bring peace during their lifetime... but some demonstrably produced greater peacebuilding results than others. MJ himself greatly honored such men and women.

(We shouldn't bully those on threads like this who have something to say other than "Signed.")
This petition should of been made in facebook. I remember Aussies made a petition on facebook to bring MJ's This Is It to Australia and 60,000 aussies signed the petition within 3 weeks. It made the papers in Australia as well so it got free PR just because of the sheer response. So I think a facebook petition would be much more effective. On average people have 100 to 300 friends, some people may have 500 to 1000 friends on facebook so they would then send all of them a suggestion to join and that's how it grows.

during july/august this petition was going crazy! 10 to 20 signatures per minute, the petition was covered by the media (news, tv, papers, internet, radio you name it!) they were all talking about this petition.
Just a few days before the announcement of who would win the peace prize there were reports on various news sites that stated there was a 90% chance it would go to jackson... people were betting their money on this one, thinking they'd win big if they bet on mj...of course everyone decided to ignore the fact that the award isn't given posthumously.
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Of course,michael is such a gentle soul,with so much he has done we know about...and much good hes done..we dont know..
Vote michael!!!
There is no question MJ was a great humanitarian, who dedicated his life to alleviating the suffering of children... and sacrificed more than his fair share for that. He was indeed a lover of peace, and spoken often of this. He had the most massive international, cross-cultural and cross-generational appeal of any contemporary musical artist. Earth Song, We Are The World... these are among the most powerful and popular antiwar (and environment advocacy) songs of all time.

But I need help with the specific evidence of greater peace and less war, that specific actions by him produced. If I were to name names, you know as well as I that it would undoubtedly provoke irrelevant heated controversy here... and wouldn't matter to you anyway. So there's no need for the argumentative tone. This is a reasonable thing that reasonable people can disagree on.

Many are peace lovers who've done all they can to bring peace during their lifetime... but some demonstrably produced greater peacebuilding results than others. MJ himself greatly honored such men and women.

(We shouldn't bully those on threads like this who have something to say other than "Signed.")

I was not bullying you and i just wanted to know why you believed others were more deserving, and yes we are all entitle to our opinion, hence the reason I stated mine.
I wish he'd at least have been nominated while he was still here but I don't think they give posthumous Nobels. if so, the first person in line would be Mahatma Gandhi and the first person in line to vote for him would be Michael Jackson :)
there never was any limits for mj.

He always did it the first time before anybody else, in life and in the afterlife.

So who knows? Maybe if we get it together enough - it could happen.

God knows mj did more for peace & human rights than obama did.

I don't think they'll change the rules on this no matter how many signs the petition. We can only hope the children carry out his legacy, and then they might receive it one day :)
I love Michael to pieces and know he has done more for peace and this world it's ppl than many but I wouldn't like to see this price given to him posthumes.
This price can actually save lives of ppl risking their lives for human rights and or saving the planet in only directing the view of the public into the direction where ppl are actually risking their lives for others every single day... yes every single day still even when the world media choses to look a different direction.
And if you don't know what I mean then please think of ppl in Iran, in China, in Dafur, in South Africa...
This price was once so famous for bringing ppl into the spotlight for that their lives could not get lost in just let them be killed by a corrupt regime or a monopolist industry anymore. Nelson Mandela knows exactly what I'm talking about! Maybe some of you are to young to be able to remember but I do.

Lately the price is abused to me for more keeping ppl in the spotlight.

To me that's sad.

This way you destroy what was once very precious.

This price could save lives, it has done so for many years in only directing the attention of the publics eyes.

Michael is and probably will always be the greatest entertainer of all time.
Sometimes it has to be enough.
MICHAEL JACKSON is not only the KING OF POP but also he is the KING OF MUSIC,he should have got the nobel peace award much before when,he was alive coz,MICHAEL deserve NOBEL PEACE PRIZE,he was the NOBEL MAN,A GREAT HUMMANITARIAN,A DEVOTED ICON AND A LOVING FATHER.WE ALL LOVE "MJ"so very much.LOVE U ALWAY'S MICHAEL.