Michael Jackson museum in Gary fizzles


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Jul 25, 2011

Michael Jackson museum in Gary fizzles

On birthday, no extra 'thriller' for fans as project money dries up

August 31, 2012

By: Michael Puente

It’s been a week of celebration in Gary for what would have been Michael Jackson’s 54th birthday. Fans from near and far have descended on MJ’s boyhood hometown.

Just a couple of years ago, former Gary Mayor Rudy Clay announced plans for a $300 million museum and performance arts center to honor Jackson’s legacy and memory.

But two years after that announcement before media lights and cameras, the plan is dead. Chelsea L. Whittington, spokeswoman for current Gary Mayor Karen Freeman Wilson, says without a funding plan, the museum cannot be built.

“That is no longer in play. No one has reached out to her in that regard,” Whittington told WBEZ on Friday. “The Mayor has stated that until someone approaches her with the funding dollars and a plan, this project will not be pursued.”

The news that a muesum will not be built came as bad news to a dozen fans gathered outside Jackson’s boyhood home at 2300 Jackson Street in Gary on Friday.

“A muesum could be the biggest inspiration because if that child could do that and that child’s family could do that, any child can do it,” said Tina Hall of Ohio.

Katina Chowning of Indianapolis says although she loves visiting Gary to see where Michael Jackson grew up, there's not much else to do.

"You can't even buy a real T-shirt from the Michael Jackson Estate," Chowning said. "They need to have something. You can't even really spend your money."

Events so far have included a candlelight vigil outside Michael’s childhood home on Wednesday, his birthday. Jackson's mother, Katherine and his three surviving children, earlier attended a game of the Gary Southshore Railcats where his eldest daughter Paris threw out the first pitch.

A Friday night dinner will honor Katherine Jackson. Festivities wrap up tomorrow with a concert of Michael Jackson’s music performed at West Side High School in Gary on Saturday night
Thats disappointing that there won't be a museum built in Gary....living in Ohio, I would definantly visit it. Couldn't go to the vigil on Michael's birthday...but if they do it next year I intend to be there!!
Well we knew this all along. I am surprised the fans there were disappointed, when we all talked about this before. If this was a project planned and executed by Michael's estate, it would work, because they know how to harness the talent, organization, and funding that would make something like this happen. Further, that museum would need some Michael objects, and no one said where the Mayor and the Jackson supporters of this project would get them from. I know that Michael came from Gary, but I feel a Michael museum in the US should be in an area where several tourists and holiday makers usually convene. In saying this, I mean no disrespect to Gary or the people who live in that town or its state, and I hope no one takes it in that way.

I say let's take our time and do something meaningful, tasteful, fun, and get it right. After reading the ideas that Branca and Cirque cooked up to please the audience for the permanent Immortal show, I know that if they planned a museum, the experience would be even more thrilling. Let's wait for something good to come along.
I'm disappointed that it was referred to as a "Michael Jackson museum" that could not be built. It was NOT going to be a Michael Jackson museum but a "Jackson Family Museum". It was going to highlight ALL of the Jacksons career achievements even though Michael's name was going to be used to draw $$ but the Estate was not behind this venture. Now that it is off the table, it's the "Michael Jackson Museum". Fans on this and other forums have discussed places where this could work, but it was all about bringing jobs and $$ to Gary, NOT about honoring Michael. smh
This was all Joe's doing.. When he mentioned it last year I knew it would never get off the ground. The first thing I said is who in their right mind would give Joe Jackson 300 million dollars? I knew it wasn't going to happen with Joe at the forefront. If something like that was going down the estate would have to give approval anyway especially for any MJ memorabilia
This was all Joe's doing.. When he mentioned it last year I knew it would never get off the ground. The first thing I said is who in their right mind would give Joe Jackson 300 million dollars? I knew it wasn't going to happen with Joe at the forefront. If something like that was going down the estate would have to give approval anyway especially for any MJ memorabilia

So true. I am sorry the mayor got involved in this, but someone should have alerted the city council that Joe was not the right person to work with in a project like this. Why didn't they call us!!!!!!! All they need to do, is to get some J5 material and open a small gift shop near the house. Forget about a museum. They should ask Katherine to call Mann to get some of the costumes and put them on display in the gift shop. Then, they could show some J5 videos that are on Utube while people sip sodas at tables.
billyworld99;3700663 said:

Michael Jackson museum in Gary fizzles

On birthday, no extra 'thriller' for fans as project money dries up

August 31, 2012

By: Michael Puente

It’s been a week of celebration in Gary for what would have been Michael Jackson’s 54th birthday. Fans from near and far have descended on MJ’s boyhood hometown.

Just a couple of years ago, former Gary Mayor Rudy Clay announced plans for a $300 million museum and performance arts center to honor Jackson’s legacy and memory.

But two years after that announcement before media lights and cameras, the plan is dead. Chelsea L. Whittington, spokeswoman for current Gary Mayor Karen Freeman Wilson, says without a funding plan, the museum cannot be built.

“That is no longer in play. No one has reached out to her in that regard,” Whittington told WBEZ on Friday. “The Mayor has stated that until someone approaches her with the funding dollars and a plan, this project will not be pursued.”

The news that a muesum will not be built came as bad news to a dozen fans gathered outside Jackson’s boyhood home at 2300 Jackson Street in Gary on Friday.

“A muesum could be the biggest inspiration because if that child could do that and that child’s family could do that, any child can do it,” said Tina Hall of Ohio.

Katina Chowning of Indianapolis says although she loves visiting Gary to see where Michael Jackson grew up, there's not much else to do.

"You can't even buy a real T-shirt from the Michael Jackson Estate," Chowning said. "They need to have something. You can't even really spend your money."

Events so far have included a candlelight vigil outside Michael’s childhood home on Wednesday, his birthday. Jackson's mother, Katherine and his three surviving children, earlier attended a game of the Gary Southshore Railcats where his eldest daughter Paris threw out the first pitch.

A Friday night dinner will honor Katherine Jackson. Festivities wrap up tomorrow with a concert of Michael Jackson’s music performed at West Side High School in Gary on Saturday night

Well, i know how quickly the press loves to descend on something with Michael Jackson's name attached to it, and say that it failed, but, the reality is, people descend on Gary, to see his boyhood home, every year on his birthday, so the spirit of the occasion is never a failure, museum or not.
I agree with those who say that the museum should be at Neverland.

It would be the best choice, definitely. I mean, Gary is where he came from but still.. Michael = Neverland.
I'd love to go there one day, I'm sure it's full of his spirit!!
this was Just another joe jackson/family impossible business plan anyway. it was never gonna hap and im glad it didnt as the words p*** up and brewery come to mind. all these events like the cardiff scam degrade mj and are intended money makers for others.
I think there should be a place to celebrate Michael, a place where people all over the world can come to pay respects to the King. The museum would be an attraction for the fans to visit, but I don't think that'll be a good place to celebrate him on his birthday or a place to visit on the anniversary of his death.

It's nice to see fans wanting to celebrate Michael's birthday, but even if I had the opportunity to go to the house in Gary to celebrate his birthday, I wouldn't go. Simply because in that house Michael suffered Joe's physical violence. I'd like to visit the house, get inside the house out of curiosity, but not celebrate Michael.

The estate should be thinking in a place for Michael & his fans, and has to be unique.
This was all Joe's doing.. When he mentioned it last year I knew it would never get off the ground. The first thing I said is who in their right mind would give Joe Jackson 300 million dollars? I knew it wasn't going to happen with Joe at the forefront. If something like that was going down the estate would have to give approval anyway especially for any MJ memorabilia

We all knew this was never going to materialize, especially when this was all the idea of Joe Jackson. Also, as another poster noted, thiswas to be a Jackson Family Museum. The estate was not going to fund a Jackson Family Museum although of course we know that is part of the MJ history. An MJ museum will be built inthe future but for it to be successful it has to come from the estate. They have the rights to intellectual and physical property that needs to be included in such an endevour. Also, LOCATION is important. We all know that Gary is his birth town but let's not be naive and realize that Gary is also a town that is not a desirable place for tourists. I think NY, LA, or Las Vegas would be ideal places.

Anytime Joe has this grandious schemes it NEVER materializes. He is just a disaster when it comes to business. Thank God the estate handles Michael's businesses and not Joe. :angel::clap:
I think there should be a place to celebrate Michael, a place where people all over the world can come to pay respects to the King. The museum would be an attraction for the fans to visit, but I don't think that'll be a good place to celebrate him on his birthday or a place to visit on the anniversary of his death.

It's nice to see fans wanting to celebrate Michael's birthday, but even if I had the opportunity to go to the house in Gary to celebrate his birthday, I wouldn't go. Simply because in that house Michael suffered Joe's physical violence. I'd like to visit the house, get inside the house out of curiosity, but not celebrate Michael.

The estate should be thinking in a place for Michael & his fans, and has to be unique.

From what John Branca said today at the Bad25 premiere, they are. He discounted Neverland because of the problems with access, and Gary because 2300 doesn't belong to the Estate. However, I felt that his answer to a query about Hayvnhurst was not very clear (maybe considering this one..he seemed non-committal..., and also the word 'Vegas' was mentioned. They are definitely considering where might be best.
^^ Thank you. I'm sure the estate will do something beautiful up to the stature of Michael. Michael deserves a place to be honored and it needs to be the best of the best.
Just a recap:


Born in Gary, educated at Harvard, Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson has a mission: revitalizing a one-time economic powerhouse now best known as the birthplace of Michael Jackson.
The office of Gary, Indiana’s new mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson is on the second floor of city hall, overlooking this decaying Midwestern town and its 50 square-miles of problems. On nearby blocks, the city cries for help. Weeds and bushes oppress the lawns and porches of boarded-up homes and run-down businesses. After a brief stint as Indiana’s attorney general, Freeman-Wilson took office in Gary in January, becoming Indiana’s first black female mayor and Gary’s first female mayor. Fixing this troubled city is now her responsibility, and oddly enough, her dream.
Dressed in a dark, business suit one February morning, the 5-foot-1-inch mayor wears a pin on her lapel. It’s the city seal, which proclaims Gary as the “City of the Century.” Her hair is cut short and accentuated by simple gold hoop earrings. Her brown skin, is smooth, concealing that she is 51. She smiles easily — completely unrehearsed and without pretension — disarming even political foes.
e wraps up her second briefing of the day, Freeman-Wilson takes a seat in her office. Three desktop computer screens – all turned on – crowd her desk and near them is a fourth computer, the city-issued laptop, behind which rests a gavel, from her days as a city judge. She glances at the stack of opened letters. One catches her eye and elicits an exaggerated yawn – a letter from an attorney who claims to represent the Jacksons, Gary’s most famous family.

Members of the Jackson family have contacted the mayor’s office for permission to hold a summer event near their old house, at 2300 Jackson Street. They also want to sell products there. The problem – the mayor hasn’t spoken with anyone she feels is authorized to make the decisions.
Before initiating a phone call to a man who says he is a Jackson cousin, she fiddles around with her phone, unsure how to use the speaker phone. One of the most difficult adjustments to her new job has been unlocking the secret to it. “Oh, I can’t stand this phone” she murmurs, as she places the call.
“Mr. Jackson, this is Karen Freeman-Wilson following up to our meeting from last week,” she says while leaving a voice mail message. “You know, maybe to get to the bottom of this, I would like to speak with Mrs. (Katherine) Jackson, so if you could set that up through my secretary … it would be great to do that sooner than later so that we could move forward in a way that we’re going to deal with this. Bye bye.”
Under the previous mayor — Rudy Clay’s — administration, patriarch Joe Jackson announced plans for a $300 million family museum to be built in town. The project could be a coup, guiding Michael Jackson fans and tourists to the financially strapped city. However, since the June 2010 announcement, nothing has happened.
Meanwhile, with that project in wait-and-see mode, Freeman-Wilson still must sort out the logistics of the summer event.
I ask her if it would’ve been easier if the DeBarges were from Gary. She laughs, then explains her problem with the proposed summer event.
“There’s all this controversy about who represents whom and I’m like, you know what. I’m not going to try to work out y’alls differences for you. I need to talk to one person,”
Freeman-Wilson says. “You all determine who that is because this isn’t my primary initiative. I’m not opposed to it but I’m not going to spend a whole lot of energy on it because I just don’t see it. There are a lot of things on our laundry list that are much more close to being done and being realistic.”
Her voice remains even and does not reveal a shred of frustration. Switching topics, she discusses the proposed Jackson museum.
“You know, if somebody brings me a viable proposal that is financed, I’d do it. We can have it right there,”
Freeman-Wilson says, pointing towards her office window where across the street the Genesis Convention Center sits. “I’d tear down the Genesis Center in a heartbeat. But …I got something in the mail yesterday or the day before and there are lines where they clearly cut and paste signatures, I’m like what is this?”
Just as she completes her thought, Freeman-Wilson looks down at her office phone and laughs. She never completely hung up the phone from the call with the Jackson family member.
“Well,” she smiles. “I don’t say anything that I wouldn’t say on the 10 o’clock news.”
Just another shady dodgy Jackson product.
Just a recap:


Just another shady dodgy Jackson product.

Well we are not the only people who find out that they are shady, incompetent, like to make grand statements but cannot back them up, think they are in control of everything, like others footing the bill, and like to promote their products at other people's expense. By the way, I wonder what products they wanted to sell--Jackie's J5 collection, grandma's book, Joe's scent...?
I agree this could have been the Jackson Family museum, that is if there was a serious plan and fundraising strategy in place. Michael paved his own way apart from the family and it his career took off independently from them. Neverland would be much more suitable imho.