Michael Jackson murdered! OMG


Proud Member
Aug 31, 2011
This stupid doctor killed out Michael Jackson. It so unfair that one person can do so much harm. IF he had called 911 right away, and do CPR on FLOOR chances are very good he would still be alive! And these 2 things are facts he said himself. SO whatever he says hes responsible to Michael Jackson death.

He killed our legend, legacy, dreams our life.
Hey hey, I can understand your frustrations, but he is not a murderer yet.

YES, he made STUPID, pathetic, life-threatening mistakes, but.. he's just a man. I don't know, I feel terrible thinking that he killed Michael when we don't know all of the facts.

At worst he could be done for manslaughter/negligence with the 'evidence' we've got, but really we can't confirm anything until the autopsy's results come in.
I agree with Swirly, we don't know yet what he has or has not done.

Some of the earlier suspicions around him (that I shared) seem to have proven false i.e. he ran away, apparently he was there all the time. However he was unlikely to walk into the Police and tell them he did kill Michael.

What horrified me today was that Michael's son was supposedly in the room while he was performing CPR.
I don't think it the fault of the doctor. Michael was addicted to drugs in the mid 90's and the stories now show that he was still taken painkillers all the time.

I love Michael but you can't blame the doctor for it. He is innocent till he's proven guilty.
Even IF all things happend like it should be michael only had less then 5% chance to survive this cardiac arrest...
And innocent til proven.
It,s not fair to judge before you know the whole story.
don't get carried away when posting new threads...
I thought that by the title of this one, it was confirmed... jeez...
ok i need to calm down a bit. In a way im glad he didnt surivide with major brain injury, that would almost be even worse.