Michael Jackson memorial: Judge tosses taxpayer lawsuit over $3.2 million cost to police memorial


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A judge today dismissed a lawsuit filed by a Lincoln Heights man who wanted Michael Jackson's survivors and the promoters of the concert tour for which he was preparing when he died to reimburse taxpayers for the $3.2 million cost to police his memorial service at Staples Center.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mary Ann Murphy's decision came two days before the second anniversary of the singer's death. The judge said she was not persuaded that the law supports Jose Freddie Vallejos' case, filed last June 29, against Jackson's estate and its executors, John Branca and John McClain.
The suit also named AEG Live, which set up the sold-out series of London performances for which the singer was rehearsing in Los Angeles at the time of his death.
"Whether it's a Laker championship or the funeral of a celebrity, it is the city's call, not the court's call, how many officers to deploy," Murphy said.
Attorney Jessica Stebbins, on behalf of AEG Live, said she was happy with the ruling.
Lawyer Jeremiah Reynolds, for the estate, echoed her remarks.
"The court correctly decided that (Vallejos) had no possible claims against the estate of Michael Jackson or AEG Live because the city of Los Angeles decided to have a police presence at Michael Jackson's memorial service," Reynolds said. "This is undoubtedly the correct decision under California law."
Vallejos' lawyer, Jeff Grotke, said he still contends the expense incurred to taxpayers for the LAPD to use nearly 4,000 officers for a private event was an illegal gift of public funds.
"I believe there may be some appealable issues," Grotke said.
AEG Live attorneys argued in their court papers that the LAPD had the discretion to deploy the number of officers it believed necessary at the memorial. They also said Vallejos conceded in his suit that a large police contingent was needed at the memorial because of the "media frenzy" surrounding the singer's death.
In court papers filed in opposition to the dismissal, Grotke said the Jackson estate was more than capable of paying for the memorial service.
"It should be utterly astounding to the everyday taxpayer that the court ... has refused to find that a billion-dollar business like the Jackson estate cannot at least find the money to repay the city for the event ...," Grotke wrote.
Grotke also drew an analogy to the city of Bell administrative salary scandal and its embattled former city manager, Robert Rizzo.
"How many fat paychecks did the morbidly obese Robert Rizzo have to receive before it added up to the amount of money stolen in one afternoon by the defendants here?" Grotke asked. "The truth is that (AEG Live and the Jackson estate) are shameless players on the public scene who have used their influence to gain favor and raid the public trough."
Grotke also criticized the memorial.
"This was a nauseating, quasi-worshipful sanitization of the noseless Jackson, a grand, cynical chance to forget his repeated sins and creepy lifestyle," Grotke's court papers stated. "The fact was it was a lifelong worship and adoration that had doubtless turned him into such a vain lunatic."
Grotke also made another reference to the singer's change in appearance after cosmetic surgery.
"Fresh-faced and beautiful from the start, as God made him, he nevertheless employed an army of plastic surgeons who transformed him into a monster," Grotke wrote.

Wow!!! Why did he have to get so personal? What did Michael's personal appearance have to do with paying for the memorial? Just another ugly,hateful human being. Thank you Michael. Because of your loving example I can just move on and ignore this...
But the guy is a slob!
What a total insipid jerk! The judge should of charged him with wasting taxpayers dollars to oversee such a hateful, needless, and obviously personal attack on MJ. Prick!

He sounds like he was in love with him, "Fresh faced and beautiful..." Whatever. You're the monster projecting his own insecurities about his lot in life over to a man that has already given a lot to the city. Mj didn't ask for the memorial the way it was. He didn't ask for all of those policemen to protect the streets. So why attack him? Unless that was you're purpose from the beginning.
"It should be utterly astounding to the everyday taxpayer that the court ... has refused to find that a billion-dollar business like the Jackson estate cannot at least find the money to repay the city for the event ...," Grotke wrote.
Grotke also drew an analogy to the city of Bell administrative salary scandal and its embattled former city manager, Robert Rizzo.
"How many fat paychecks did the morbidly obese Robert Rizzo have to receive before it added up to the amount of money stolen in one afternoon by the defendants here?" Grotke asked. "The truth is that (AEG Live and the Jackson estate) are shameless players on the public scene who have used their influence to gain favor and raid the public trough."
Grotke also criticized the memorial.
"This was a nauseating, quasi-worshipful sanitization of the noseless Jackson, a grand, cynical chance to forget his repeated sins and creepy lifestyle," Grotke's court papers stated. "The fact was it was a lifelong worship and adoration that had doubtless turned him into such a vain lunatic."
Grotke also made another reference to the singer's change in appearance after cosmetic surgery.
"Fresh-faced and beautiful from the start, as God made him, he nevertheless employed an army of plastic surgeons who transformed him into a monster," Grotke wrote.

This man was just plain nasty and disgusting with his comments and I am not sorry for the evil thoughts I just had!:evil:

Damn, Michael was somebody too! why do people continue to be so nasty where he's concerned?
wow that guys seriously is an ass..they always find stuff to say about Michael...it gets really sicking,,,,maybe someday soon this guy will go fall into the black abyss.
He's the sick individual, one sick monster, a vain attempt of a pathetic asshole to gain some kind of importance, FAILED. Go back to your loser life and wait for your cruel ending.
No name lawyer pissed this failed lawsuit is not going to build his career. The mean-spirited stuff is a last desperate grab for attention from the main stream media.
Smart judge. Now we know that his problem was not about the taxpayer's money, but his hate due to loving Michael and not having that love returned. His statements are filled with nonsense taken from tabloids. Now we know what our educated lawyers read!!!
He just proved with all that negative talk what his real reason for making such a big fuss about the memorial. It was all because he personally hates MJ and nothing more. Dude get a life. I'm glad his @ss got shot down. LMAO
Exactly, Blue. All his statements show what is in his heart and mind. I do get some satisfaction to see haters riled up by the continued love and fame of Michael, though. Notice he mentions Michael's fame although in a negative way. I wonder how much was his legal fee?
this is really just one sick person that's suing for something they shouldn't

and actually AEG and Estate did pay for some of the costs by their choice

Michael Jackson estate, AEG, to repay Los Angeles for tribute costs

June 18, 2010|By Alan Duke, CNN

Michael Jackson's estate and the company that produced the pop star's memorial service will pay $1.3 million to the Los Angeles to cover city expenses for last summer's tribute.

Los Angeles officials criticized the estate and AEG last year for not helping the cash-strapped government pay what the city estimated was $1.3 million paid for putting extra police on the streets, trash pickup, sanitation and traffic control.

The payments, which will include $1 million cash to the city's general fund, "will now allow us to finally put this issue behind us," AEG president Timothy Leiweke said.

The Los Angeles Police Foundation will get $210,000 in cash and equipment donations. The foundation was already given $90,000 raised through the sale of luxury suites inside the Staples Center event.

"It was important to us that all parties agreed that this was not an obligation but a choice we believed was important to make at a time when thousands of city employees are being reduced," Leiweke said.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa praised AEG and the Jackson estate for "good corporate citizenship."

It was not immediately clear how much of the cash will come from the Jackson estate, which has worked closely with AEG since Jackson's death nearly a year ago.

Jackson's comeback concerts in London were being promoted and produced by AEG, which also controls the Staples Center, where the tribute was held.

The Jackson estate made a minimum of $80 million through a series of contracts involving AEG and Sony for the "This Is It" documentary that used rehearsal video shot by AEG.

I agree Ivy. Everything he stated shows his true motive for bringing this suite
he is too hateful to care about the tax payers money. This was a hate vendetta

Thank for the article about AEG and the Estate. I though I remembered they
volunteer to pay for part of the expenses. This guy is a lacking as a human
thats for sure. His hateful statements were discusting.
The only monster in this story is that lawyer. I'd like to see them try and ask for taxpayer money to be returned, as someone already mentioned, from the 2005 witch trial. I really would hope people would embark on better ventures than these, and occupy their time and resources in a more useful manner. If Vallejos is so interested in where his taxpayer money goes, he should take measures to monitor where it is being spent in present time, where it matters most, not whether it was spent on a funeral two years ago.

As for the lawyer, he's obviously an incredibly biased and unprofessional person. No lawyer in his right mind would resort to petty attacks on the opposing party's character or appearance, much less allude to illusory "sins," as if his own house were in order. It's always the ones who talk the most that have the biggest skeletons in their closets, and by the way this guy sounds, I wouldn't be surprised if he had an entire Gulag-proportion pile of skeletons stuffed inside his. Since he's failed to persuade us of the validity of his argument through rational means [there was no way he really could], he's resorted to taking the petty way out. Typical.

this is really just one sick person that's suing for something they shouldn't


It looks like this lawyer just cannot stand Michael and masquerades himself as 'concern taxpayer'. Good thing that the judge saw right through it.
No that mofo didn't!! :angry:
The BS he said about Michael is just that! BS! Why? Cuz he's mad the judge thru the case out!
And well she should!
And what does that (MJ's appearance, etc.) have to do with anything?!
Didnt nobody tell the city to go and hire 4000 police anywayz!
That was their choice. And besides, you got paid! Shit!
Michael Jackson's estate and the company that produced the pop star's memorial service will pay $1.3 million to the Los Angeles to cover city expenses for last summer's tribute.
These dudes need to get over it already!
"The court correctly decided that (Vallejos) had no possible claims against the estate of Michael Jackson or AEG Live because the city of Los Angeles decided to have a police presence at Michael Jackson's memorial service," Reynolds said. "This is undoubtedly the correct decision under California law."