Michael Jackson Memorial Box 32 DVD's + 1 CD...?

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Proud Member
Jul 4, 2009
The Netherlands
Today I saw something strange in the forum from the MJ.com website. The Dutch people out there were talking about some sort of box with a lot of DVD's you could order. Someone said she had paid but didn't get it.
I didn't further noticed it, until I saw those boxes being offered at the eBay kind of sites here in NL.

Here's an example:

Does anyone know something about this?! I assume it's not official, right?
But how come there are so many offers on the sites? :scratch:

(Sorry if this is not the right thread-place! :blush:)
These arnt official and the quailty is quite bad from what ppl on here have said,cant believe thay have called em a memorial boxset grrrrrr argggg,there is other theads on this just take out the word memorial hun and you will see wat ppl say about it xxx
These arnt official and the quailty is quite bad from what ppl on here have said,cant believe thay have called em a memorial boxset grrrrrr argggg,there is other theads on this just take out the word memorial hun and you will see wat ppl say about it xxx
Yeah I expected so...so there's probably someone illegally making these boxsets, cuz they are all over the place.

Oh man, everytime I search for something I can't find it...now I feel lame. :doh:
I'm sorry, mods you can close this thread then!
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