Michael Jackson memorial: AEG, entertainer's estate to pay $1.3 million to help cover cost of Staple


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Anschutz Entertainment Group and the estate of Michael Jackson have agreed to provide $1.3 million to the city of Los Angeles to help cover the cost of last year’s memorial for the entertainer at Staples Center, Councilwoman Jan Perry said Friday.

Under the agreement, the city’s general fund – which pays for basic services such as public safety and parks – would receive $1 million. Another $300,000 would be provided in the form of a contribution to the Los Angeles Police Foundation to pay for equipment at the Police Department, she said.

Perry, who represents much of downtown Los Angeles, said the agreement showed that AEG and the Jackson family are “conscientious corporate citizens.”

The memorial was staged at the Nokia Theater and Staples Center, both of which are owned by AEG. The cost of the event was viewed as controversial at a time when the city is scaling back services and laying off employees. A city report last year put the total cost of the event at $3.2 million.

Last year, AEG President and CEO Tim Leiweke accused City Atty. Carmen Trutanich of demanding $6 million to pay for the cost of the event. Trutanich said he asked for $2 million to $3 million at the time.

-- David Zahniser at Los Angeles City Hall
AEG, entertainer's estate to pay $1.3 million to help cover cost of Staples Center service

Michael Jackson memorial: AEG, entertainer's estate to pay $1.3 million to help cover cost of Staples Center service


Anschutz Entertainment Group and the estate of Michael Jackson have agreed to provide $1.3 million to the city of Los Angeles to help cover the cost of last year’s memorial for the entertainer at Staples Center, Councilwoman Jan Perry said Friday.

Under the agreement, the city’s general fund – which pays for basic services such as public safety and parks – would receive $1 million. Another $300,000 would be provided in the form of a contribution to the Los Angeles Police Foundation to pay for equipment at the Police Department, she said.

Perry, who represents much of downtown Los Angeles, said the agreement showed that AEG and the Jackson family are “conscientious corporate citizens.”

The memorial was staged at the Nokia Theater and Staples Center, both of which are owned by AEG. The cost of the event was viewed as controversial at a time when the city is scaling back services and laying off employees. A city report last year put the total cost of the event at $3.2 million.

Last year, AEG President and CEO Tim Leiweke accused City Atty. Carmen Trutanich of demanding $6 million to pay for the cost of the event. Trutanich said he asked for $2 million to $3 million at the time.

-- David Zahniser at Los Angeles City Hall
i thought Michael wasn't allowed to do any lavish spending.

actually, he's paying for the laker parade.

so, when the money goes where THEY want it, they're conscientious corporate citizens. but when Mj spent his own money how he felt..it was called 'frivolous spending'. their writers considered MJ broke. now they count on him to keep the city afloat.
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so, when the money goes where THEY want it, they're conscientious corporate citizens. but when Mj spent his own money how he felt..it was called 'frivolous spending'.


legally speaking Michael's memorial was before the recent law change and the state of California couldn't ask for the costs for it. (remember they had a donation website but then they had to close it as it was illegal for them to ask for the costs).

so it looks like AEG and the estate is offering to pay the costs even if they aren't required to do so ( or cannot be forced to pay.)

As it's a voluntary payment by the estate and AEG they are naming them "conscientious corporate citizens".
Michael Jackson Estate, AEG Pays for Memorial

Michael Jackson's estate and AEG have agreed to pay the City of Los Angeles $1 million to cover the cost of the MJ memorial last year.

In addition the estate and AEG will pay $300,00 for crime fighting equipment, as a make-good for the memorial expenses.

City officials determined $1.3 mil will cover the costs of police services, permits, Sanitation Department and Transportation Department expenses incurred for the memorial.
lol...that doesn't change anything. however, i will add that they awarded MJ a paid compliment. does a rebate come with that?
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Well, its nice to know that the Lakers parade is now kindly being paid for by Michael's estate. I don't get why people kicked off about the memorial and its cost, despite all the money it brought in from fans which totalled $4 million yet a parade for the Lakers is somehow demmanded.
Why don't the Lakers pay for their own parade? They amount they pay their players they can afford it.
Michael Jackson Estate, AEG Pays for Memorial

Michael Jackson's estate and AEG have agreed to pay the City of Los Angeles $1 million to cover the cost of the MJ memorial last year.

In addition the estate and AEG will pay $300,00 for crime fighting equipment, as a make-good for the memorial expenses.

City officials determined $1.3 mil will cover the costs of police services, permits, Sanitation Department and Transportation Department expenses incurred for the memorial.

yup estate will pay for police service,crime fighting equipment when one murder is roaming free who killed Michael and same police who failed to handcuff that same person.
i guess they need Michael's money so they can work better .
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa released the following statement:

"I applaud this team effort and thank everyone involved for doing what was best for the people and the City of Los Angeles. Through the continued good corporate citizenship of AEG and the Michael Jackson Estate, we will be able to promote and support important civic events that hold so much meaning for the people of Los Angeles and bring us together as a city."

As for AEG, President & CEO Timothy J. Leiweke made this announcement:

"It was important to us that all parties agreed that this was not an obligation but a choice we believed was important to make at a time when thousands of City employees are being reduced. We also extend a great thanks to John Branca, John McClain, Howard Weitzman and the Estate of Michael Jackson for their willingness to contribute. They did not have to do this but like us, they live here and are committed to stepping up to help our City at this time of need."

As for AEG, President & CEO Timothy J. Leiweke made this announcement:

"It was important to us that all parties agreed that this was not an obligation but a choice we believed was important to make at a time when thousands of City employees are being reduced. We also extend a great thanks to John Branca, John McClain, Howard Weitzman and the Estate of Michael Jackson for their willingness to contribute. They did not have to do this but like us, they live here and are committed to stepping up to help our City at this time of need."


so MJ saves the day...
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa released the following statement:

"I applaud this team effort and thank everyone involved for doing what was best for the people and the City of Los Angeles. Through the continued good corporate citizenship of AEG and the Michael Jackson Estate, we will be able to promote and support important civic events that hold so much meaning for the people of Los Angeles and bring us together as a city."


I swear, the way in which Michael was treated when he was here with us, I am just :smilerolleyes: by this statement.
so MJ saves the day...

Yes, sir!



funny this city wasn't that good to support other MJ efforts but... wathever, such is life.

Question is... now with all the people visiting the city because of the first year and so on... would the Estate get some profit too? lol... :lol:
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa released the following statement:

"I applaud this team effort and thank everyone involved for doing what was best for the people and the City of Los Angeles. Through the continued good corporate citizenship of AEG and the Michael Jackson Estate, we will be able to promote and support important civic events that hold so much meaning for the people of Los Angeles and bring us together as a city."

As for AEG, President & CEO Timothy J. Leiweke made this announcement:

"It was important to us that all parties agreed that this was not an obligation but a choice we believed was important to make at a time when thousands of City employees are being reduced. We also extend a great thanks to John Branca, John McClain, Howard Weitzman and the Estate of Michael Jackson for their willingness to contribute. They did not have to do this but like us, they live here and are committed to stepping up to help our City at this time of need."


Michael DIDN"T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING HE DID...he always did what he did OUT OF LOVE!! To bad he has NEVER been publicly recognized for even HALF of the good things he has done. If you ask me....Michael's estate should NOT be paying for ANY of this....now AEG...yeah make them pay for all of it..:(
take your personal arguments to the PMs please
and stop derailing the thread _ Thanks :)

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I think it was a very appropriate gesture by the estate and AEG and keeps the legacy of MJ nobel.
The cost of the memorial has been a contentious spot on his Legacy. Its something he would do himself
so I have no complaints that the estate is doing this in Michaels name. It was the right thing to do
considering ...
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legally speaking Michael's memorial was before the recent law change and the state of California couldn't ask for the costs for it. (remember they had a donation website but then they had to close it as it was illegal for them to ask for the costs).

so it looks like AEG and the estate is offering to pay the costs even if they aren't required to do so ( or cannot be forced to pay.)

As it's a voluntary payment by the estate and AEG they are naming them "conscientious corporate citizens".

So what is the recent law change? Who will be paying for the Lakers parade? Don't tell me that the city now has money to pay for security for this parade. The Lakers and their players should be paying it seriously.
The city is broke, isn't it. MJ and AEG gave money to keep from laying off workers and other civic events. Does this include a basketball celebration?
Thread is cleaned from the off topic talk.


I believe that there has been a recent law change that allows the state to ask for private event costs.

Also this has nothing to do with Lakers. When Lakers won in 2009 the celebration cost $2M to California in regards police, sanitation etc costs. But Lakers and private donors paid that cost back to the city. Most probably they'll do the same this year as well.

edit: LA Lakers today also announced that they'll be paying the full cost for 2010 victory celebration

The Los Angeles Lakers planned to celebrate their NBA championship more modestly than their recent titles, with a self-funded parade that avoids the city's downtown core and omits the huge rallies that have drawn tens of thousands of fans in previous years. Both team and city officials were quick to say the Lakers would pick up the tab for the scaled-down celebration - estimated at $1.5 million by city managers and $2 million by the Lakers.

Read more: http://www.mercedsunstar.com/2010/06/18/1464896/lakers-to-pay-2-million-for-nba.html#ixzz0rG8Pe82a
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take your personal arguments to the PMs please
and stop derailing the thread _ Thanks :)

Back to topic
I think it was a very appropriate gesture by the estate and AEG and keeps the legacy of MJ nobel.
The cost of the memorial has been a contentious spot on his Legacy. Its something he would do himself
so I have no complaints that the estate is doing this in Michaels name. It was the right thing to do
considering ...

i don't think that not paying for one's own memorial is a spot on a legacy.

besides. there are people out there who think MJ's charitable ways are a spot on his legacy. in other words...it wouldn't matter what MJ did, in the eyes of people who hate him. MJ has done enough that nothing can spot his legacy.

but anyway, it looks like everybody is paying for their events these days, including the lakers. so..if money was an issue..it is, no more, despite revenue.

what the city of los angeles needs to do, is learn the basics of money. it's their own fault they are in debt. i mean..what has the city done with all that money from all that revenue from all those events..including Michael's memorial? the city is pressed, and they were blaming Michael for their money problems, ironically. so..this brings a question of Michael's legacy?

i just think we're looking for approval from the wrong people. people who hate Michael. and frankly, they don't matter. in the end, no one's destiny is formed by another person's hate. certainly, a person of such sterling stature, as Michael isn't going to be affected by other peoples' hate.
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i thought Michael wasn't allowed to do any lavish spending.

actually, he's paying for the laker parade.

so, when the money goes where THEY want it, they're conscientious corporate citizens. but when Mj spent his own money how he felt..it was called 'frivolous spending'. their writers considered MJ broke. now they count on him to keep the city afloat.

yes they do...hepocrites:scratch:
I haven't read any response from the nasty, insulting city attorney Carmen Trutanich who was so Hell bent on harrasing the Family, AEG, and the Estate. Will he accept this amount and close the matter or will he keep trying to get more money?
what the city of los angeles needs to do, is learn the basics of money. it's their own fault they are in debt. i mean..what has the city done with all that money from all that revenue from all those events..including Michael's memorial? the city is pressed, and they were blaming Michael for their money problems, ironically.

well the city is in $530M in debt , I really do not think that they can raise that much revenue from those events. Plus even back in the memorial time I never saw them "blaming Michael" for their money problems (the $530M) , they were saying that city is broke and they shouldn't be paying this "additional cost" for a private event being done by a private company.

Also don't forget that Major of LA shut down all these talks, donation requests, investigations etc by saying that it was ridiculous.
well the city is in $530M in debt , I really do not think that they can raise that much revenue from those events. Plus even back in the memorial time I never saw them "blaming Michael" for their money problems (the $530M) , they were saying that city is broke and they shouldn't be paying this "additional cost" for a private event being done by a private company.

Also don't forget that Major of LA shut down all these talks, donation requests, investigations etc by saying that it was ridiculous.

i'm glad u like to look on the bright side. but i am in los angeles. i heard how people talked. they spoke like what was in my siggy. they were, in essence, blaming Michael. but, i'm guessing MJ fans made some noise, and people were intimidated. after all...like u said, they were bringing back sneddon memories..planning to change a law just for Michael. i don't think MJ is the first person memorialized in los angeles. and five hundred thirty mill? whose fault is that? every little bit of revenue helps..unless the city mismanages money. it got to that astronomical amount because los angeles mis manages.
just sums up how mj was treated in life. no respect then no respect now. no surprise though