MICHAEL JACKSON - Let each letter define a memory


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So spelling out michael jackson, I'm starting each letter with a reaction,emotion ,memory ..anything related to him, and just remember.I will make alot brief because he name weren't short ! lol

My reaction to Michael Jackson announcing a tour and being finially at the age where I could decide if i wanted to go or not was a feeling I didn't know I might one day get.I have seen alot of artists perform but that second when he announced it after all the build up and specualtion was a surreal, strange feeling inside.That won;t be felt for me again i doubt.

I can never forget the Dance.To have ammassed that much knowledge about dance forms and too have met so many diverse GREAT dancers of different styles and to be able to learn from them one on one and incorporate their forms and ideals into his own won't be matched.It's literally impossible now.He WAS the last of the great song and dance men and as such with the last in the link, was the GREATEST..period..You see dance in the first footage we are ever given of michael jackson, doing an amazin james brown impression but even at that age shwoing his own soul and style and interpretation of the beat and rhythm of 'I got the feeling'..From there he learnt and showed off tap, street.. popping locking whilst innovating and using his own thoughts to create moves..you can take your pick out of michael jackson dance moves and some moves last only half a second..but there are thousands over the years..all unique and all different each time.

Caring for others.Every race,creed and colour..his love for humans was pure and inbuilt inside him.It was something that got mocked and laughed at and dismissed but was never question by michael jackson.By selflessy helping other on those occassions when others didn't know..he was being true to himself and his underlying belief of being honoured and humble and to be in the position he was in and therefore think of others who may not be so fortunate.He gave back in so many ways finicially but it would have given them even more happiness to know it was from MICHAEL JACKSON..his name and care was worth as much as the money or presents.

Have you ever wondered how the hell michael conceived all those original noises he makes in songs and on stage? Like he was One day doing something and finding a owww or he he.

Anywhere I see the 30th anniversary shows I feel so happy because Michael got everything he wanted those nights..It was his last televised concert style performance shows, first time in a long while and last time he performed with his brothers, in front of his fans, watching all these artists pay homage to him( which he had never had before) and his career and infront of his mother and close friends in the audience which was rare..Those nights were all for him and everyone else was thanking and thinking of michael..Those shows are poignant now but also very fitting because at least he got thanked that 1 time.

Every time i see Michael Jackon's face before he does loadsssss of spins in 'MoonWalker' when he is dance battling that bunny i crack up..Just the funniest face to make before you do that

Love was his message..Think of how many times he mentions love and or heart in his songs..ALOT..he was original and everlasting intentions were shrouded and covered up by focus of certain influential professions who can twist the messages and real beliefs of a person..

Jam.(james brown had a song called jam lol).Well that video was koooool..I Love the stage performance of that song and if i'm not wrong, it was the only change to an opening solo michael jackson show..all the other times were wanna be starting something?..shows how powerful and big that song is.Glass breaks..counting it off..the lyrics..deep words but it still a dance pop song..wow...I loved the video when he teaching michael jordan how to dance and kicking the basketball into the net and his reaction to it ! great..

And the award goes too...I was just thinking..do you think he has the most awards out of any artist..like passed or present ? He has got more awards than the amount of times he changed house..true story lol

Comedians I Love are the ones who can talk about someone else but be respectful in getting the laugh and not personally attacking them to get a pity laugh or one that is built out of viciousness..So i will always remember Eddie Murphy's Michael Jackson bit (Eddie learnt from a master of the craft, Richad Pryor and is a hugely underrated stand up comedian who should do more) and Chris Tucker's mj being a pimp bit..funny but respectful

Katherine Jackson.I see so much of Katherine in all her children and most certainly Michael.I love all the images of her and him going into court and michael singing to her on her birthday.If you are lucky enough to have that connection with either or both parents, its a beautiful thing that can't be explained unless it's the individual..but it's clear to see with many Mothers and children..Michael was a fragile soul and I can't imagine how empty Katherine is.She is the rock of that family and where they get their love, courage and strength to fight on from harshness in the world from..that and the soft spoken nature of their voice and spirit lol

So many incarnations of Michael Jackson.I was always surprised at his age because he had done so much it his life, he literally lived the le of a few people in 1 and always felt he should be older.He was somehow eternally youthfull and young and re invented himself more than any other entertainer will ever be able to do.That is one reason practically everyone relates to him because there are so many different eras and images and evolutions to relate to..performers should grow change and adapt to the times and relate to them..Michael not only did this but he innovated and became the leader too..thats not an easy thing to do

Only Michael Jackson could wear underwear over his trousers, grab his balls or mime on stage and NO ONE would care..Only michael jackson because at the abyss of most people's hearts, he was accepted and thought to be good and purely good..that is why he could do so many things, he radiated goodness and truth even in his darkest moments..

Notice how Michael's greatness is truely acknowledged now, after his passing and how over time it will be that which defines him..So even though times are tough and heartless an dehumanising now..once the dust has settled ..generations later, when things will hopefully be more civilised..his work will be the first thing to acquire their knowledge of that man.But even when they see the rest, they will not judge him or ridicule him but pity him and feel sad for him because of the way others in his lifetime acted and treated him..When you are a bird looking down you see things differently..Just like we all pity race relations in the 50's and 60's and feel sad for what black people had to go through..at the time those white people felt justified in doing what they did and were therfore able to do it..In generations to come this is how all will relate to Michael Jackson in view of his life..that's comforting at least!

Well that was a intersting 30 mins..anyone else wana try?(ignore any mistakes , i didn't check lol) I'm off to sleep lol
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