Michael Jackson lawyer Speaks to Gardena Students


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Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson lawyer Speaks to Gardena Students

From staff reports
Posted: 03/08/2010 08:06:54 AM PST

Attorney Thomas Arthur Mesereau Jr. - best known for his defense of pop legend Michael Jackson - addressed four groups of Gardena High School students late last month. Mesereau's talk focused on making decisions, tattoos, gang activity, the justice system and setting personal goals.

The event was part of the Panthers Distinguish Speaker Series, sponsored by the school's Sports, Health and Public Service small learning community, known as SHAPS. :clapping:

He is a hero in my book, a true hero. A person who kept supporting him all the way through, a goodhearted man in every sense of the word. That was also the reason MJ picked him i heard. Mez has done alot for charity and only takes cases where HE is confident about the innocence of his client.
T-Mez, god I love T-Mez. Always there for Michael and always believed in him. The haters will always use the Robert Blake case to discredit T-Mez but they forget to mention that he walked away from the case once his guilt became clear and he was never his primary lawyer anyway. I am so thankful to T-Mez for what he did for Michael. Michael had been so let down by charlatan lawyers in the past it took a while for T-Mez to gain his trust. But once he did unlike the others he never once let Michael and his trust down. He is only in a handful of people who never sold Michael out so again thank you T-Mez.
That's not why he left the RB case. He left because RB insisted on doing tv interviews, which were then dissected by prosecutors and used against him. Jennifer Keller resigned for that reason also.
RB was innocent, the jury acquitted him.

But even if RB was guilty, Mez wouldn't leave on that account. He believes that for the justice system to work the way it should even the guilty ones need proper representation. :)

Mez is the only one out there that makes sense right now that Mike's gone.
just like he said about Murray 'He deserves a fair trial. But convict him'

Yep.:yes: He believes in equal justice for all, but I think where Michael is involved - since they were friends - his emotions take over, I think he's really angry with Murray and wants justice done just as much as we do.

I really liked that - "He deserves a fair trial, but convict him." Haha! Go Mezzy!:punk:
that's what he said. it's on video on this forum, somewhere. quote of the century.

It's on TMZ, that one video where Thomas and frank dileo come out of a resteraunt, and he takes out a file and gives it to dileo.
that's what he said. it's on video on this forum, somewhere. quote of the century.

I totally agree with u, it is the quote of the century!

If i ever get the chance 2 meet him, id high five him hehe
As others have said, TMEZ really is a hero. A wonderful role model as well. If he decided to write a book about the trial, that is a book I would actually want to read.
Tom Mesereau... what an amazing lawyer and person! I love and respect him very much. People like him are very rare.
Does anyone know what exactly he said to those students?
He is certainly what every true and rightous lawyer should aspire to be. I love his strength, and how he faces adversity esp when the media try to take stabs at his efforts or/and Michael as well. He's always represented folks and the cases he's taken on with five things; strength, compassion, honesty, character, and truth. These qualities are so rare in today's world, esp when one is involved in the litigation business. Taking many cases on in the south as 'Pro-Bono,' just gives you an idea of how powerful this man's will really is, to seek the right for those who've been wronged.

It would be a honor for any individual to be represented by him, knowing that he was being a portal to tell the truth. No doubt these young adults were inspired and enlightened by his speech. He moved us all, while we simply watched him on our TV screens.

Bless you Mez. You are the voice for those who cannot or will not be heard. May you continue to bring justice to all those who deserve it, just like you did for our Michael.
Yep.:yes: He believes in equal justice for all, but I think where Michael is involved - since they were friends - his emotions take over, I think he's really angry with Murray and wants justice done just as much as we do.

I really liked that - "He deserves a fair trial, but convict him." Haha! Go Mezzy!:punk:

:pleased: :bow: Best. quote. EVER!
I have insanely respect and admiration for him. Such an inspiration for justice seekers.
His speeches should be more public and accessible.
:pleased: :bow: Best. quote. EVER!
I have insanely respect and admiration for him. Such an inspiration for justice seekers.
His speeches should be more public and accessible.

I agree. There are some of his writings on his website, but it's kind of a shame that to get to the lecture transcripts (and his lectures are so awesome!) we have to rely solely on the ppl that attended to provide them (or not, as is mostly the case). I suppose part of the problem is that Mez never ever writes any notes for his lectures, he just memorises everything.
That's not why he left the RB case. He left because RB insisted on doing tv interviews, which were then dissected by prosecutors and used against him. Jennifer Keller resigned for that reason also.
RB was innocent, the jury acquitted him.

But even if RB was guilty, Mez wouldn't leave on that account. He believes that for the justice system to work the way it should even the guilty ones need proper representation. :)

Mez is the only one out there that makes sense right now that Mike's gone.

Amen. Mesereau's YouTube channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/ThomasMesereau -
a great place to show him some L.O.V.E. & view his interviews. I could listen to him speak all day.
I doubt lawyers can say such things...but i don't mind this, this shows him that at the end of the day he's only human like all of us. He speaks his mind and how can i disagree? The guy really looks like a very friendly and down to earth person..exactly like MJ, no doubt that's one of the reasons MJ chose him. Good hearted person, cares for the truth and knows how to FIGHT!