Michael Jackson - King Of Facebook!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
I was looking through all those fanbook fan pages, hoping to see where the king of music stands and I was happy to see he has been not only embraced by another generation, but he is above and beyond any other celebrity in the world.

1. Michael Jackson Fanpage - 10.29 Million fans.
2. Barack Obama - 6.84 Million fans.
3. Michael Jackson - 4.61 Million fans.
4. Adam Sandler - 3.70 Million fans.
5. Roger Federer - 3.11 Million fans.
6. Metallica - 2.37 Million fans.
7. Britney Spears - 2.33 Million fans.
8. Akon - 2.08 Million fans.
9. Justin Timberlake - 2.05 Million fans.
10. Michael Jordan - 1.98 Million fans.
11. Kobe Bryant - 1.74 Million fans.
12. Pink Floyd - 1.68 Million fans.
13. Miley Cyrus - 1.60 Million fans.
14. The Beatles - 1.49 Million fans.
15. Jim Carrey - 1.45 Million fans.
16. Queen - 1.27 Million fans.
17. Ben Stiller - 1.25 Million fans.
18. Madonna - 1.24 Million fans.
19. Tiger Woods - 1.17 Million fans.
20. Shaq - 1 Million fans.
21. Mariah Carey - 815,000 Fans.
22. Michael Jackson - 580,000 fans.
23. Black Eyed Peas - 495,000 fans.
24. Steve Carell - 470,000 fans.
25. Michael Jackson - 468,000 fans.
26. Pink - 449,000 fans.
27. Elvis Presley - 393,000 fans.
28. The Police - 339,000 fans.
29. Fergie - 305,000 fans.
30. John Cena - 268,000 fans.
31. Kiss - 210,000 fans.
32. Jeff Hardy - 207,000 fans.
33. The Eagles - 185,000 fans
34. Simon Cowell - 165,000 fans.
--. Janet Jackson - 65,000 fans.

I might have missed a few, but the point is made, MJ is AWEESOME :D
Yeah MJ is awesome, too bad that he was like 40-45th before his death with only 750 000 fans..

MJ forever..
New generations are now embracing Michael and I think it is wonderful.

Long Live our King Forever

I think the reason he didn't have a lot of fans on facebook was because of the press, facebook is more or less from my generation and many of the people my age all believed the press. (not all of course, I didn't) Not only that, but also because not much had been happening with him lately (aside from the concerts) so many people probably didn't even think of becoming a fan of his page. I love how he's on that list several times, hehe. :)
I was never and still is not of face book or twitter. It is sharing too much of your self. Michael was keeping a low profile before he started the rehearsals for the TII concert, therefore, there was nothing for fans to talk about, it didnt mean that we did not love him any less. He probably liked being out of the media's eyes for s while, since he was spending quality time with his children.