Michael Jackson & Johnny Depp


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I know some fans have said or think they are similar in a way and maybe you guys could share reasons or whatever what sets these 2 people apart from others. :)
I've always seen some kind of connection between them and Tim Burton. I wouldn't be surprised if Michael was a fan of Tim Burton. He had the Scissorhands prop after all. Well I know Johnny is really shy too and was quickly labeled that teen hearthrob from the show 21 Jump Street. He never really liked having that image, and it's still stuck to him to this day. A couple of other things: I remember one year he was hiding behind his wife on the red carpet for the Oscars. Also I watched an interview of him recently with David Letterman and he was saying he doesn't like watching himself in his movies, so he hasn't actually seen a lot of them.

Both Johnny and Michael are really talented and put their all into their performances. Johnny usually tries to emulate some person for his characters, like Keith Richards for POTC, and Buster Keaton for the movie Benny and Joon.

Well anyway, I wonder if Michael, Johnny, and/or Tim Burton ever crossed paths. If they did, I can just imagine them being good friends. BTW, Edward Scissorhands was also very much an autobiography for Tim Burton's life.
Well, I don't know about how similar they are, but when I saw the thread Michael Jackson & Johnny Depp i had to open - as they are my two obsessions, hehe. Both amazingly talented, and oh so sexy :)

I guess they share the same outlook on fame. they don't like it, and just want to be seen as regular people. Both shy. Both passionate artists. Both speak so nicely about others.

Both just the ideal man in my opinion :)
michael and johnny i feel did share some simularities when it came to fame and their personalities. Johnny is said to be the niciest guy in hollywood and he always takes as much time as possibale to meet with his fans and sign autographs which i think is just so sweet! Also if you watch some og Johnny's movies like Edward Sissorhands and of course Charlie and the Chocolate Factory you can kinda tell that both charcters do resemble Michael. Edward with being different and being shunned from the world who doesnt understand him and Willy Wonka for also being a bit out there, living in a fantasy world surrounded by the one thing he loved and was kept from as a child, candy. Makes sence. I believe Michael was a Tim Burton and Johnny Depp fan. I adore Burton and Depp. Johnny also chooses to stay clear from Hollywood and doesnt even live in LA. He lives on a private island and has a home in France with his Girlfriend and two kids. Michael of course lived all over with his main residence being Neverland until things went sour again and he left it behind never to return. I wouldnt be surprised if there is some untold story of Burton, Michael, and Johnny crossing paths at some point. if so i hope they finally tell the tale.
Well, I don't know about how similar they are, but when I saw the thread Michael Jackson & Johnny Depp i had to open - as they are my two obsessions, hehe. Both amazingly talented, and oh so sexy :)

haha same here!

It's interesting reading these responses about similarities though. I have always ADORED Johnny Depp...not just because he's gorgeous and talented but he has a great energy about him. Hearing that he's an incredibly nice person, and even a little shy (I love that!) I'm going to have to do more research on him now. :wub:
I've never been a huge fan of Johnny Depp tbh, all I remember him as is the green monster in that Christmas movie...

I think I may give his movies more of a watch/more of my attention now, as this thread has been interesting. Anything for Michael!
I've never been a huge fan of Johnny Depp tbh, all I remember him as is the green monster in that Christmas movie...

I think I may give his movies more of a watch/more of my attention now, as this thread has been interesting. Anything for Michael!

Haha, Johnny Depp wasn't the Grinch, if that's the movie I think you're talking about. That was Jim Carrey. :p
Johnny treats his fans so well. He always thanks the fans. Signs autographs no matter what and makes sure he acknowledges everyone. I think he once said that if it weren't for the fans he wouldn't be where he is today. That he has in common with Michael as well as his shyness and dedication to his craft. He's a very hard working man. I think Johnny is amazing.
Haha, Johnny Depp wasn't the Grinch, if that's the movie I think you're talking about. That was Jim Carrey. :p

Oh my gosh, you know what - you're right. I've been thinking of someone else! Thanks for correcting me, lol!
I have a curiosity about that. Just because every MJ fan I know is Johnny's fan too! Incluiding me! LOL
I don't think they have similarities. I really think they're different in all ways. Except for the part that they are both talented.
I'm a Johnny Depp fan too! - I had no idea so many MJ fans were until now... I never really thought about it before but perhaps there are similarities between them.
I just finished watching Edward Scissorhands for the first time in years...because someone in this thread brought my attention back to it. Made me fall in love with Johnny all over again.
hahah i watched Edward Sissorhands today to! it was on A&E today! lol i love that movie! Johnny is amazing in it! He has so much talent and i still say him and michael have simularities. both talented, both shy, both adore their fans to no end, both fathers, and both are viewed as diffrent but brillant in what they do. Johnny is my favorite actor and i just love him in POTC! love him as jack sparrow! also Johnny was in Finding Neverland as the man who created who created Peter Pan another major simularity to Michael bc we all know very well Michael loved Peter Pan.
I have always ADORED Johnny Depp...not just because he's gorgeous and talented but he has a great energy about him.

Me too, I've adored him for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I listened to Michael and watched Johnny Depp films hehe. Well, and watched Michael too!

Johnny has got a great energy, and can do anything with a character. He's exceptionally talented.

They are both just two of the most amazing people!
i agree! im pretty sure i have seen almost all of Johnny's movies along with the ones he has done with Tim Burton. I cant wait for Alice In Wonderland! Johnny plays The Mad Hater! Michael of course will always be my 1st love no matter what. It would have been so amazing if Michael and Johnny ever got to work together eather on flim or music bc if anyone remmbers Johnny was in a band back in the day and he sings! if anyone saw Sweeney Todd should know! :)
I've mentioned this before but did anyone here know Michael and Tim Burton were born the same year, same month four days apart? The three of them both seem to have the shy creative genius side yet a huge part of them that's a misunderstood outsider. I really wish the three of them had collaborated, that would have been epic! Is it really true Michael wanted to play Edward in Edward Scissorhands or was that just another rumor?
wow i didnt know that. thats pretty cool! Yeah someone mentioned somewhere that Michael wanted to play Edward Sissorhands. dont know if he tried to get the part or was asked or anything like that but if anyone can find anything more about it please post! :)