Michael Jackson Inspires Alicia Keys to Do Her Best


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

You never forget your first concert, especially when that first show happens to be Michael Jackson. Alicia Keys recalls attending one of the King of Pop’s legendary tours in the ’80s and the lasting impression it left on her as an artist.


“The first concert I ever attended was Michael Jackson,” Keys tells Rap-Up.com, “and I think it was like the reunion tour or something because he had all his brothers with him, and it was like a big, huge deal.”

The Grammy-winning songbird was barely old enough to realize that she was witnessing history in the making. “There were all these ambulances everywhere and I was like, ‘Mommy, who’s sick?’” she asked. “I didn’t understand the fact that in just a few hours grown men would be fainting at this concert. It was just incredible to see that level of performance so young. That was a great first concert to go to.”

The pop icon inspired Keys’ latest “Freedom” tour, which ends its North American run this weekend in Oakland, Calif. “I think Michael Jackson has influenced every performer on the face of the earth. What he really inspired me to do and influenced me to do is my best, and I feel like what he represented is quality and craftsmanship with his performance,” she says. “He was one of the best performers of all time and it was because he put in work, he put in time, he was creative, and he wanted to be the best. When I go up [on stage] and when I arrange my shows, that’s exactly the mind state that I have.”
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Michael Jackson Inspires Alicia Keys to Do Her Best

You never forget your first concert, especially when that first show happens to be Michael Jackson. Alicia Keys recalls attending one of the King of Pop’s legendary tours in the ’80s and the lasting impression it left on her as an artist.

“The first concert I ever attended was Michael Jackson,” Keys tells Rap-Up.com, “and I think it was like the reunion tour or something because he had all his brothers with him, and it was like a big, huge deal.”
The Grammy-winning songbird was barely old enough to realize that she was witnessing history in the making. “There were all these ambulances everywhere and I was like, ‘Mommy, who’s sick?’” she asked. “I didn’t understand the fact that in just a few hours grown men would be fainting at this concert. It was just incredible to see that level of performance so young. That was a great first concert to go to.”
The pop icon inspired Keys’ latest “Freedom” tour, which ends its North American run this weekend in Oakland, Calif. “I think Michael Jackson has influenced every performer on the face of the earth. What he really inspired me to do and influenced me to do is my best, and I feel like what he represented is quality and craftsmanship with his performance,” she says. “He was one of the best performers of all time and it was because he put in work, he put in time, he was creative, and he wanted to be the best. When I go up [on stage] and when I arrange my shows, that’s exactly the mind state that I have.”

here is linkhttp://www.rap-up.com/2010/04/09/michael-jackson-inspires-alicia-keys-to-do-her-best/
I think it's a blessing to say that your very first concert was a Michael Jackson concert. That would be so special (to me). She's very lucky. I don't know why, but I teared up reading this. It somehow overwhelms me when I read how inspiring Michael was to others.

Very nice article. Thanks for posting.
you very walcome :flowers:

i have never saw him in concerts :no: :cry: i just through i'll have chance to see him this year :no: never happen :(
The sheer amount of people Michael influenced is simply astonishing. I love Alicia and enjoyed reading this. Thanks hun xxx
I love stories like these :D It's truly wonderful the amount of people Michael influenced and reached out too. My very first concert was a Michael Jackson one too and its something I will NEVER forget *sigh*
I adore Alicia Keys, she's an inspiration to women everywhere. I love that she's been inspired by Michael too, he's magic. :wub:
I was just about to post this.

I love Alicia:yes: she is really talented :yes: and i love that she, a REAL talent says these things, I simply LOVE real talent recognizing the GENIUS of Michael, i love it, Michael deserves it more than anyone, he was REAL GENIUS.

LOVE YA ALICIA :hi: God Bless :)
I always knew she was a fan. She has always had nothing but love for MJ and has on occasion reprimanded the media for their negativity of him. And the young lady has talent :)
I'm actually going to her concert tomorrow in Oakland, but as much as I love Alicia, I feel like no one's concert could ever compare!
I'm actually going to her concert tomorrow in Oakland, but as much as I love Alicia, I feel like no one's concert could ever compare!

Honestly, can anyone seriously name even ONE person that even only comes close to Michael Jackson???

Not ever.

Didn't the singer Nick Cave say something like, that next to Michael Jackson every other musician/singer/entertainer looked like an amateur?

I never intend/ intended to sound arrogant when talking about other singers/bands but that's exactly how I have always felt towards Michael and the rest. That compared to Michael others DO look and sound like amateurs, because compared to Michael Jackson they ARE.

^^^^Of course noone will ever come close to Michael, but that is soooo obvious, i think we dont even need to say it,

Alicia says she gives everything on stage and she learnt that from Michael... she is a great musician, I love talent, also her talent is not prefabricated... its her, so that is Michael influence too, even though the levels of talent are different, but its not fair to compare no other to Michael, they all will be losing.

Alicia is amazing, she is amazing
She is definitely amazing! Went to her show...incredible voice...could listen to her all day even if she just talked haha
Thanks for posting that nice little article :)
I think Michael inspired in one way or another almost every artist, whether they admit it or not ;)
But Alicia is great, I'd like to see her perform some day, too :yes:
However, like others have stated, Michael is totally beyond any comparison. So if you want to really enjoy someone else's performance, you have to concentrate on that one 100%. Not let yourself think how Michael would have done this or that..
Lucky her!

I never saw Michael and I would have LOVED to say my first concert was an MJ one.

love her, but really guys...is it nesscary to say "ohh blah blah is good but nobodys michael" everytime another artist says they were inspired by mike? sheesh we all know that
^^^ no thats why i said its not fair, cause its not fair to the other artists, we already know Michael was Genius level, and that is just not easy to find

Alicia is AMAZING
I agree with you guys...it's not fair. But this was my first concert since you kno...and I had tickets to the Sept 8 london show, so it was hard not to think about it. I've loved Alicia since Songs in A Minor came out like 10 years ago, so it's not that I don't appreciate her talent. She's amazing. I have all her albums. One of my favorites.

One thing i wanted to see/hear was her make reference to Michael in some way during the show. She had all these messages about making a Change, helping kids, donating to her charity, etc. She had photos of princess diana, gandhi, bob marley, and JFK during one of her songs.

They did play They Dont Care About Us right before Alicia came on stage though so that was awesome!
Wow, sounds like you really had an amazing concert experience, Dangerous21! :)
Could be, that Michael not only inspired Alicia to do her best on stage but also to do good things in general :flowers: