Michael Jackson In Eternity!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I recenty came across some articles and facebook posts where it hints that Michael Jackson encountered the Lord and is spending eternity with him.

On Mary Mary's facebook page it states this: "Last night we received some good news from Terri McFaddin-Solomon who is good friends with Sandra Crouch. Three weeks ago Sandra and Andre' spent some time with their close friend, Michael Jackson. Michael asked Andre` to play, 'It Won't Be Long And We'll Be Leaving Here.' Michael then prayed with Sandra and Andre and accepted Christ into his heart. Now he's singing in the heavenly choir.! Our hearts rejoice!"

On Andrae Crouch's facebook page it states this: "The Crouches did NOT lead Michael Jackson to the Lord, They DID pray with him, but NOT a prayer of "salvation". It is a rumor that they "led him to Christ". Please spread the "truth" as quickly as the rumor has spread. (By Dave, Page administrator)"

Looking at these posts, I did some further research. I came across an article from Charisma Magazine that states this: Michael Jackson Salvation Reports ‘Not True,’ Pastors Say
Tuesday, 30 June 2009 05:01 PM EDT Adrienne S. Gaines News - Featured News

Pentecostal pastors Andraé and Sandra Crouch say recent reports that they led pop singer Michael Jackson to Christ three weeks before his sudden death Thursday are false.

In a posting on her Facebook page, Sandra Crouch, who with her brother, Andraé, leads Christ Memorial Church of God in Christ in Los Angeles, said reports that she and her brother met with Jackson and led him in the sinner's prayer are "incorrect and absolutely not true."

"We recently met with Michael to discuss recording two songs with our choir for his newest recording project," Sandra Crouch wrote in a statement signed by both Crouches. "Michael always had a respect and curiosity for spiritual things. During our meeting, not unlike many other creative/music meetings we've had with him the past, we sang together, prayed together and had a wonderful time."

Reports that Jackson sought prayer from the legendary gospel musicians began circulating Friday after the contemporary gospel duo Mary Mary posted a message they received from an associate of the Crouches on their Facebook page. "Michael asked Andraé to play ‘It Won't Be Long and We'll Be Leaving Here,'" the posting read. "Michael then prayed with Sandra and [Andraé] and accepted Christ into his heart. Now he's singing in the heavenly choir! Our hearts rejoice!"

A representative from Christ Memorial would not confirm or deny the accuracy of a separate posting on Andraé Crouch's Facebook page claiming that Jackson requested prayer "concerning the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and how he could make his music more ‘spiritual'" during a meeting with the Crouches roughly three weeks ago.

Dave Nassaney, Andraé Crouch's Facebook page administrator, wrote that Andraé and Sandra Crouch told Jackson about the anointing and about Jesus. "He wanted to know what makes your hands go up, and makes you ‘come out of yourself' and what gives a ‘spirituality' to the music," Nassaney wrote. "He then requested to hear his favorite song that he loves, and wanted [them] to sing to him, so they sang that song to him, and joined hands and sang together, and he said, ‘It was beautiful.'"

Nassaney said Crouch told him Jackson "definitely had an ‘encounter'" during the visit, but it remained unclear whether the pop icon accepted Christ. Jackson was raised a Jehovah's Witness and reportedly converted to Islam in 2008.

"He did NOT reject Jesus or the prayer when they prayed, and gladly joined in prayer," Crouch said, according to Nassaney's post. "He usually doesn't touch anybody, but he touched them, and held their hands in a circle as they sang and prayed.

"There was NO actual ‘sinners prayer,' however, but they did talk and pray about Jesus and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. They also told him, "Michael, we consider you as our son," and he said, "Yes, yes, yes," and [Jackson] gave him his latest music on a CD, and he told him, "Andraé I trust you with this," and gave him CDs of two songs-unpublished, beautiful music."

Sandra Crouch said she and her brother are praying for the Jackson family. "We loved and respected Michael enormously and we've been friends with him for many, many years, and are deeply saddened by his sudden and tragic death," she wrote.

"We are praying for Michael's family and desire nothing less than God's best for them," she added.

After reading these articles, I believe Jesus snatched him into eternity. Because it was not made clear that MJ accepted Christ before he died, it is very possible that he did between himself and God. Before MJ died, God put a desire in his heart to do spiritual music. I was praying that God put a desire in Michael's heart to make spiritual music that glorified the Lord. I also prayed for his salvation and his complete healing. In the meeting with Andrae Crouch that he had, MJ was asking about the anointing of the Holy Spirit and what gives a "spirituality" to music. In this meeting they even prayed about Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Also, I found this dream on Elijahlist from Julie Meyer of the International House of Prayer which is something I was a part of when I lived in Kansas City, MO. I think this dream really explains what the Lord did to catch Michael's heart and what MJ encountered before he died. So here is the dream:

A Dream I Had Called "Catch and Snatch"

I had this dream two years ago and it is literally being played out on the streets of LA today. If this dream is correct, which I believe it is, in all of Michael Jackson's brokenness and weakness—Jesus snatched him into eternity. And this scene will be played out more and more. The Lion of Judah is truly on the prowl for souls.

Here is the dream called "Catch and Snatch" which I had two years ago:

I had a dream that was the clearest dream; I felt like I was there. I felt the weight of it because there is a cry likened to the day of Exodus 11:6 getting ready to be heard in the land, but Joy will be heard throughout the halls of Heaven: "Then there shall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, such as was not like it before, nor shall be like it again."

In the dream I was walking down the streets of California—specifically Hollywood, Hollywood Hills, Brentwood, LA and Malibu. I was calling out Hosea 6:1. It was a call: "Come, let us return unto the Lord...Come...Come."

And I started prophesying Hosea 2:14-16 as I was walking in the streets: "There, behold, I will allure her. Will bring her into the wilderness and speak comfort to her. I will give her her vineyards from there and the Valley of Achor as a door of hope. She shall sing there as in the days of her youth...And it shall be in that day, says the Lord, that you will call Me, 'My Husband' and no longer call Me 'My Master.'"

I saw the Lord as the Lion, prowling the streets of the city of Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Hollywood Hills, Hollywood, LA and Malibu. It was the Lion of Judah. I was very taken with this Lion. He was on a mission. He was on the prowl. It was very clear that He was ONLY passing through and He had no ties to this land. He was so eternally minded and consumed with eternity, and He was prowling the streets and gazing into the windows of peoples' houses. He had one thing on His mind—souls.

I was walking the streets with the Lion of Judah and I could see lights on. I could hear people partying. It was at night. From the street I was looking into peoples' windows because their lights were on, and I could see the inside of their houses and how they had not a thought of God nor of eternity.

The Lion of Judah was looking in the windows also. He turned to me, got right up in my face, eye to eye, and He said, "Be watchful and know what I am doing. Catch and Snatch. Catch and Snatch. I am going to catch them. I am going to chase them down and then I am going to snatch them. I am going to snatch them right into eternity." He said, "Remember this and watch for the signs. Remember to watch for the signs."

He kept saying, "I am going to lure Hollywood into the wilderness by catching the hearts of the 'idols of the land,' and I am going to snatch them into eternity in one breath."

I was so aware that I was walking the streets of LA with "a Lion" and this Lion was talking to me. He kept saying, "I am going to catch them and turn their hearts in one breath and then, in an instant, I am going to snatch them into eternity. They are MINE. They are MINE. It will be unexplainable. It will be untimely. It will be sudden, and the grief that will fill the very heart of LA will cause hearts all over Hollywood, Hollywood Hills, LA, Malibu and Brentwood to begin to 'look up' and to begin to 'seek out eternity' and to begin to 'turn.' THIS is the day of salvation. This will be the day when the harvest will be ripe and ready. THIS WILL BE THE DAY when the harvest fields will be ripe and ready."

He said, "There have been many prophetic words about My heart for Hollywood and revival breaking out, but it will come with a price. It will start with devastation of a nation, that as one by one by one the 'idols of a nation' are snatched into eternity. People will not be able to explain it. It will dominate the news more than any other story and it will happen again and again and again and again.

"Let Him Who Has Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear"

"So, those who have an ear to hear, let them hear and understand, for as each one of these 'idols of the land' are snatched into eternity, though the earth mourn, Heaven rejoices. Truly, I will lead America and the nations of the earth into the wilderness and truly it is in THIS place of mourning that they will look up and call Me 'My Husband.'

"Let him who has ears to hear, let him hear. A joyful shout will be heard throughout the halls of eternity as one by one, the idols of the land will have a change of heart, and in one breath I will snatch them into eternity forever, forever. Truly this is NOT a sad day, but a day of salvation. These days of salvation will cause the earth to mourn because they will be unexplainable. They will be sudden, for I will 'catch' the hearts of the 'idols of the land' and I will 'snatch' them into eternity.

"You will not 'hear' of a turning of the heart; you will not 'hear' with your ears of a turning to Jesus Christ, for I will quickly and suddenly snatch them up. But KNOW this, not ONE of them will be lost into eternal darkness. So, hear Me now—Heaven rejoices in these ones whom I will catch and snatch.

"Let him who has ears to hear, let him hear. I am in love with these I will catch. I am in love with these I will snatch. THEY ARE MINE. I am not scared of darkness. I am drawn to darkness that LIGHT might explode out of darkness. For out of DARKNESS there came a great light. These are whom the earth will mourn, for it will be one after another after another after another, but HEAVEN will rejoice. It will look devastating to the land, but truly Heaven is rejoicing in another soul stepping into eternity.

"Let him who has ears to hear, let him hear the sound of rejoicing in Heaven, for the prodigal son has come home. Though the earth mourn, not ONE of these who I snatch will enter into darkness, not one of them. Be watchful—watch for the signs."

All of a sudden it was like I was walking the streets right in the middle of death. It was like I was in the time of Moses and the first-born son of every family was taken with much grief and wailing arising in the land.

Exodus 11:6, "Then there shall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, such as was not like it before, nor shall be like it again."

The Lion of Judah said, "For this is going to happen over and over and over as one by one, I will catch the 'idols of the land' and their children, and I will 'snatch' them into eternity and Heaven will rejoice for these who were lost have eternally been found."

Then I woke up singing this little chorus:

There's a brand new bloom in the desert
There's a brand new color in the sky
There's snow in the middle of spring
Be watchful, the signs of the times.

Julie Meyer

Anyways, guys let me know what you think about the dream.
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I hope no one pounces on me or anything here, hangs me upside down from the nearest lamppost and chucks mouldy cheese at me or something.

I write STRICTLY from my own personal view point and belief and I apologise in advance if this goes against any other persons belief system or otherwise.

*Wipes sweat off brow*

In a dream, anything is possible. Sometimes I even question the dreams I've had and yes there are some who think "Spirits or the afterlife doesnt exist and that dreams are merely our subconscious etc etc etc."

I believe differently, and thats my belief.