Michael Jackson had heart attack at 37

NO Michael didnt have a heart attack and he didnt have heart disease
is was a cardiac arrest caused by outside forces _ cardiac arrest is not
from heart problems - It was caused from dehydration and exaustion
which cause his blood pressure to lower and his breathing to be labored
which caused cardiac arrest ..

he also died from cardiac arrest
which was caused from a propoful overdose
which caused him to stop breathing and the
lack of oxygen caused cardiac arrest

It is not the same as a heart attack
he died from an overdose the DR injected him with
propoful is an anisthectic which knocks you out _it
is used for minor surgery _but Mjs dr was using it
to help him sleep - MJ planned on waking up :(
The drug was dangerous to use for that purpose
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He had cardiac arrest at 37?! Oh wow, I never knew it was so serious...
NO Michael didnt have a heart attack and he didnt have heart disease
is was a cardiac arrest caused by outside forces _ cardiac arrest is not
from heart problems - It was caused from dehydration and exaustion
which cause his blood pressure to lower and his breathing to be labored
which caused cardiac arrest ..

he also died from cardiac arrest
which was caused from a propoful overdose
which caused him to stop breathing and the
lack of oxygen caused cardiac arrest

It is not the same as a heart attack
he died from an overdose the DR injected him with
propoful is an anisthectic which knocks you out _it
is used for minor surgery _but Mjs dr was using it
to help him sleep - MJ planned on waking up :(
The drug was dangerous to use for that purpose

I know its not the same as cardiac arrest, I never said he had a heart attack just something I saw on Youtube, just baffled me thats all.

Thanks for explaining though, :)
Cardiac arrest is WORSE than a heart attack. In a heart attack, the heart still continues pumping even though it's under attack. With cardiac arrest, the heart goes through little seizures.
I remember this happening. I was only about 10 and it scared the life out of me. :( I was so scared.. *sigh* Who'd have thought something so similar would happen and actually be fatal. :(
He didn't have a heart attack or cardiac arrest... he collapsed.


Rock Hill doctor helped saved Michael Jackson's life after 1995 rehearsal collapse

"Jackson had collapsed after a rehearsal for an upcoming HBO special at the nearby Beacon Theater."

“Mr. Jackson was in critical condition,” Alleyne said. “He was dehydrated. He had low blood pressure. He had a rapid heart rate. He was near death.”