Michael Jackson giant soda can portrait sold to Ripley's


Proud Member
Oct 31, 2009

The huge Michael Jackson portrait that Sunland artist Seaton Brown created from 1,680 empty soda cans, calling it “A Tribute to the King of Pop,” has reached its logical destination.

Brown tells Culture Monster that he recently sold the 144-square-foot work (pictured above with the artist) to Ripley Entertainment, which operates a chain of 31 Ripley’s Believe It or Not! museums in 10 countries, including the one in Hollywood.

Brown says the work fetched a not-quite-kingly $7,500 -- enough, however, to cover the $1,000 he spent on raw materials (including about $600 worth of soda pop that he poured down the drain) and earn him a decent wage for the five solid weeks he spent creating it about a year and a half ago.

Edward Meyer, in charge of exhibits and archives for Ripley, which is based in Orlando, said Tuesday that plans call for installing "A Tribute to the King of Pop" in the Hollywood museum in November; after a five-year stay, it would move to another Ripley's Believe It or Not! venue. "A piece of this size becomes a significant gallery centerpiece for us, wherever it gets displayed," Meyer said by email.
The tribute in tin fits the museum chain's aim of collecting Michael Jackson artifacts that fall into the "odd, unusual, and unbelievable" niche Ripley commands, Meyer said. "We love things made from things the average person throws away."Brown, meanwhile, continues to aim for that artistic sweet spot. He’s opening a show Saturday at the Sherman McNulty Gallery in West Hollywood, and the centerpiece is “Eye Candy,” a 6-by-6-foot portrait of Pamela Anderson made from more than 1,000 candy wrappers and some of the treats they contained (especially Tootsie Rolls), with a few crushed soda cans in the mix. It's pictured here in not-yet-finished form.Brown, who came to L.A. from Minnesota about 10 years ago and earns his living primarily as a commercial artist, reports that although he's "not a candy eater," and threw out 90% of the sweets, "I had moments of weakness, I have to admit."Also in the show is a self-portrait Brown made from 3,000 to 5,000 assorted puzzle pieces as an homage to Chuck Close, whose pointillistic self-portraits inspired “A Tribute to the King of Pop.” Brown also is showing traditional oil paintings –- still lifes and a plein-air canvas that the artist says he painted a few months ago on Santa Monica Beach while sleet was falling, capturing one of nature's Believe It or Not! moments.

He spent that much on soda and poured it down the drain? Wow,I would have drunk it myself :p
Pretty nice work of MJ art.
Very creative. Michael continues to inspire others. I wish he found some people to drink the soda though.
what gets me is he calls it "tribute to the king of pop".....then he SELLS it....reminds me of another tribute that is trying to take off....anything for money...
It´s always good with recycling, but in some places they don´t even have access to clean water
If he wanted to do a tribute,do one when Michael's alive. He would have seen it. That's how I feel about all tributes
Dude, he's an artist. Artists sell their work. It's their paycheck. What, so it's not a tribute if he sells the damn thing? Just appreciate it for what it is: art man. Just art. And it's pretty effin cool too!

Maybe you should go grab yourself a soda?
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i can't believe he sold it for a measly $7,500 ...
No one's pictures are showing up. :worried:

Can everyone else see it? Maybe it's just me...
what gets me is he calls it "tribute to the king of pop".....then he SELLS it....reminds me of another tribute that is trying to take off....anything for money...
Actually it makes perfect sense. If I created a masterpiece tribute to Michael. I would want it to be in the best place for people
to see and admire Michael Not kept in my garage LOL. The fact it was sold to a museum doesnt demean or degrade the work
it only shows it has value ..Anything for money is grossly abused overused in my opinion. He could have asked for much more. The man was paid for his time and material and really didnt make much a profit. Its not always about the money. I think we judge unfairly sometimes.Art has value

i can't believe he sold it for a measly $7,500 ...
I cant either he could have asked and recieved much more