Michael Jackson Funeral: Memorial Service Will Draw Record Crowds


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A date the Michael Jackson funeral has not yet been set but there is already speculation that his public memorial service will draw record crowds. The Jackson family will likely hold a private funeral for family and friends, but a public memorial will have to be held as well. If an official date of mourning for fans is not declared, it is certain that many unofficial memorial services will be held around the world.

Even the private memorial for Michael Jackson will likely draw a huge crowd. When Princess Diana died more than a quarter of a million people lined the street to see her funeral procession pass. Other famous funerals drew similarly large crowds of mourners, including one of the first pop culture deaths, that of Michael Jackson's would-have-been-father-in-law, Elvis Presley.

Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977. In 1977, 75,000 people lined the streets to witness Elvis Presley's funeral procession. The population of the US in 1977 was around 220,239,000 meaning. In January 2009 the population of the US was 305,529,237. If the same percentage of the US population attend Michael Jackson's funeral procession the turnout will be near 105,000.

Once the official funeral arrangements have been made and announced look for fans around the world to plan coinciding memorials in his honor. These impromptu public memorials will be in addition to the official funeral procession and the collective mourners worldwide on the day Michael Jackson is laid to rest will could top one million.

Michael Jackson's funeral is likely to be the biggest in entertainment history, drawing tens of thousands of mourners and hundreds of millions of TV viewers.

It is expected to eclipse that of Elvis Presley in 1977, at which 75,000 fans lined the streets of Memphis, and could rival Princess Diana's 12 years ago when 250,000 gathered in Hyde Park alone.

Even the funeral of silent film star Rudolph Valentino in New York in 1926 drew 40,000 fans.

Yes, I know it's not a joyful event. I do think it would be nice if they had worldwide memorial services though-I like the idea of that. He was such a global icon and loved all over that I think it's the only right thing to do.
i think the funeral should be private but thats going to be hard maybe they should make spots around the world where they can show the funeral live (eg put up screens) and how they want to show it with there own camera crew who can stay out the way etc so news reporters dont have to be running around and the fans will collect somewhere else and let the jackson family and friends mourn in piece
I disagree. Funerals have historically always been the way to pay tribute to those gone, by a number of people. The more famous the deceased, the larger the crowd of the people who want to do that. It's only natural.

I personally would wish that the Jacksons would hold an arrangement that would be accessible to the public. Not just those who met him, but all those whose lives he impacted whether they met him actually or not. He's a public figure, and that's how it always happens with public figures.
I disagree. Funerals have historically always been the way to pay tribute to those gone, by a number of people. The more famous the deceased, the larger the crowd of the people who want to do that. It's only natural.

I personally would wish that the Jacksons would hold an arrangement that would be accessible to the public. Not just those who met him, but all those whose lives he impacted whether they met him actually or not. He's a public figure, and that's how it always happens with public figures.

I disagree. Funerals have historically always been the way to pay tribute to those gone, by a number of people. The more famous the deceased, the larger the crowd of the people who want to do that. It's only natural.

I personally would wish that the Jacksons would hold an arrangement that would be accessible to the public. Not just those who met him, but all those whose lives he impacted whether they met him actually or not. He's a public figure, and that's how it always happens with public figures.

Very true. Though I am comfortable with whatever teh family deiceds to do, the most appropriate thing that I can imagine is for there to be both a private and a public funeral.

At the same time I agree wit Michaelsson, I don't like the commercial nature of how they making it out to be. Peeps still trying to make money off of him.
there must be a private one, but i would like there to be also a public one. I want to go there and pay my tributes. it's the last time we can all gather together for the love of Mj.
I am really going to try and make it out to the funeral....but if not maybe one of the memorials they have been mentioning that are being planned.
Maybe Michael left instructions on how he wanted his funeral to be conducted.