Michael Jackson frames (video)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Check this out


This really p**ses me off because if this did go to trial then the media would have done everything in their power to make Michael look guilty when he clearly isn't. And alot of ignorant people would have believed that boy over Michael

and this video also shows that guardians/parents are capable of getting their children to lie about things like this
Edit - Title of the video should be ''framed'' and not frames''
i had not seen that video before!

just a tip, check this out as well:

shows a lot of facts around the 1993-case.. facts that most of the public are unaware of

The public are not aware of this because the tabloid media does not want them to be aware of this. We could send that video out to every TV news station and Newspaper and i can pretty much guarantee and they won't show it. However if there was a video out there of some Ex employer of Michael's claming that he/she saw ''things'' going on then you can guarentee that will be on the front page of most news paper's by the next day

Media is sick and twisted