Michael Jackson featuring in TOP 50 Videos on Channel 4 Now


Proud Member
Dec 7, 2009
Hey for people in the Uk and Ireland there is a TOP50 countdown of the greatest videos on Channel 4 right now from 10pm-12am MJ is featuring in it...
Channel 4 now - 50 Greatest Music Video's as choosen by the Public

Channel 4 now.... 50 Greatest Music Videos.... UK & Ireland.... I've seen clips of Scream and Thriller in there...don't know what place they will come though.. anyone watching?
Re: Channel 4 now - 50 Greatest Music Video's as choosen by the Public

Haha im watching just posted it myself.. LOL wonder where he comes better be no 1 lol xxx
Re: Channel 4 now - 50 Greatest Music Video's as choosen by the Public

I think it was only on Channel 4 not sure thou.. Dont think anyone heard about it.. I only did when i saw the thriller part early this week..
I remember vaguely seeing an advert for it ages ago but cant remember when and where exactly. Hope MJ has his rightful position at number one!
I liked what she said about the video which basically made the music video i think thats our MJ....
Scream was number 12.

Thriller Number 1.


I didn't see it all so not sure if there were any others.
Yipee thriller is the greatest pop video in the world................

Mj is a legend whoo hoo!!!!!
Scream was #11 and Thriller #1 :D Of course I would have had the whole top 10 populated by MJ, but alas, it's just a silly Channel 4 countdown anyway. At least Thriller was #1. If it hadn't been I was about to ... well, I can't even say it :p
MJ number 1! Is there really any other fitting position for him to be in. Thriller is considered by many people as the greatest video of all time, it seems to be only MJ fans that don't think it is and that's only because they think that MJ made better vides than Thriller. Still obviously at number one though!
Sorry if i keep going on about this but i really wish that the full length 10 minute version of Smooth Criminal would have been released outside of Moonwalker. Sadly most people only know about that crappy edited 4 minute version.
Sorry if i keep going on about this but i really wish that the full length 10 minute version of Smooth Criminal would have been released outside of Moonwalker. Sadly most people only know about that crappy edited 4 minute version.

Always think the same.
Sorry if i keep going on about this but i really wish that the full length 10 minute version of Smooth Criminal would have been released outside of Moonwalker. Sadly most people only know about that crappy edited 4 minute version.

Urgh I despise the fast version, its awful. Full SC video all the way, its soooo amazing!