Michael Jackson - FBI Documents (Inside Edition)

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Dangerous Incorporated

TV special called Michael Jackson - FBI Documents that will be on Inside Edition tonight (Wed) at 7pm. Important information will be exposed. Should be interesting.
Thanks DI

But, where I live The Insider is at 7:30pm ET not Inside Edition! Hmmm? So I guess I'll be missing it cause I have no idea what time is Inside edition? Whomever watch it let us know what was said, I hope it is new info and not rehash and twisted?
Oh God....We saw the FBI documents. We already know what's in them. One shady way of bringing up the allegations. You know they will not fail to cover extensively the british boy, south american boy...And they won't say it was all lies. We don't need that crap on TV.

I won't watch.
you can't make a special about the FBI documents ans say lies, lol
i wonder what will be their conclusion, i mean at the end of the show.
Oh God....We saw the FBI documents. We already know what's in them. One shady way of bringing up the allegations. You know they will not fail to cover extensively the british boy, south american boy...And they won't say it was all lies. We don't need that crap on TV.

I won't watch.
I won't be watching either!

I mean, folks must be tired of hearing about Mel Gibson, so Inside Edition had to go dig up, what appears to be, OLD NEWS.

The FBI documents came out so long ago, but I'm sure the "majority" of members on this board (and other MJ boards), along with the media, have ALREADY gone through those FBI documents with a fine tooth comb.

To be honest, at this point, what's the point!
i think the FBI documents only proves MJ's innocence.
If they want to dig only about the investigation, instead of what they found, shame on them, as usual.
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Oh God....We saw the FBI documents. We already know what's in them. One shady way of bringing up the allegations. You know they will not fail to cover extensively the british boy, south american boy...And they won't say it was all lies. We don't need that crap on TV.

I won't watch.

The FBI have only released half of their documents on MJ.
I always thought Michael was innocent, yet de media makes you believe things witch you don't want to believe, Same like UFO's
If anyone watches it let us know what was said. The FBI documents complete exonerate Michael, lets hope this special reflects it.
Me a bit confused.

This was to have aired last night, if I am reading the OP correctly. But I do not see anything on the Inside Edition site that indicates anything like this aired.
Me a bit confused.

This was to have aired last night, if I am reading the OP correctly. But I do not see anything on the Inside Edition site that indicates anything like this aired.

Exactly what i was thinking. Wed. was yesterday.

Inside Edition is of course one of tabloid programs...Never watched it. Hopefully what ever it is, they dont slander Michael's name anymore. But since its ratings they want, we have nothing to say in the matter...:smilerolleyes:

I think the whole world needs to know about these FBI files. It spills the sick truth about how he was so mistreated. Poor Mike.
Thank you for the great information. I hope you do not mind if I pass it on to other Advocates. If there are going to be lies it is best to face them head on and do something about it.

It is not like before where they told, implied about a document or something negative in it, but never showed it. We have access to the material they have.
@ Dangerous Incorporated.

Did we miss this broadcast? Was it canceled. Maybe Fan caused cancellation due to askew content. I checked Inside Edition here, Australia and the UK. I cannot find any reference to the program for the week of the 28th or this coming Wed. Checking YouTube for clips without success.

As I said earlier - there was no indication on their site that such a show was scheduled to be aired.
They went in there with enough manpower and supplies to raid an Al Quaeda base (I have heard it said), yet they failed to find even ONE thing which could remotely stand a chance at being labeled as "evidence."

This proves either one of two things: either Michael Jackson was cunning and tech-savvy enough to successfully hide evidence (both physical and presumably digital) from a team packed with the top computer scientists and highly trained investigators from an internationally recognized bureau of investigation, or, far more likely, THERE WAS NEVER ANYTHING TO FIND and that whole Neverland raid was an abuse of power and taxpayer money.

EDIT: Oh, it never aired. LOL, I reckon they couldn't figure out a way to make Michael look bad using only the FACTS. They just can't seem to wrap that concept around their tiny little heads. :3

Someone, please let us know when they finally figure it out and air this. It shall indeed be interesting, if it ever at all surfaces.I don't watch Inside Edition, and have never heard of it until today, but I will look it up if something promising is on its way, whether it be for vindication or massive LOLs at people's stupidity.
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The truth is on the FBI files in black and white and I am sure they will focus on that. Funny after Michaels death people auctually believed he was innocnet. Too late really in my book. But at least the truth is getting out there.
The truth is on the FBI files in black and white and I am sure they will focus on that. Funny after Michaels death people auctually believed he was innocnet. Too late really in my book. But at least the truth is getting out there.

Sadly, there's a lot of people who still firmly believe he's guilty, but I think that would be the minority of people :yes: