Michael Jackson "Fan Room"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have no idea where to post this thread, but I guess here?
Anyway, I heard few months ago that Michael had an entire room full of cards, pictures, presents and so on from his fans.. Is it true? Is there a footage of Michael or anyone else saying that there are a room like that?

I know when he was on tour he'd have fan stuff all over a dressing room. Michael Lee Bush said it and posted a photo of one of the walls covered in photos that fans had sent him. Bush said they had to take them all down and put them all back up in the next place they visited :)
I know when he was on tour he'd have fan stuff all over a dressing room. Michael Lee Bush said it and posted a photo of one of the walls covered in photos that fans had sent him. Bush said they had to take them all down and put them all back up in the next place they visited :)

Do you know if there are a video of it? :)
I know when he was on tour he'd have fan stuff all over a dressing room. Michael Lee Bush said it and posted a photo of one of the walls covered in photos that fans had sent him. Bush said they had to take them all down and put them all back up in the next place they visited :)

Aww...:wub: I know he created some kind of room in the Havenhurst house related to the family's history (it's in Katherine's book), so it wouldn't surprise me if he did something like this for the things he received from fans. I think I'll post the description of the family history room if I can find it.
Aww...:wub: I know he created some kind of room in the Havenhurst house related to the family's history (it's in Katherine's book), so it wouldn't surprise me if he did something like this for the things he received from fans. I think I'll post the description of the family history room if I can find it.

That would be great =D
i gave him a poster in 96 and saw it in the footage of the concert in 2001. but it was filmed somewhere else. i suppose he kept it. during the trial they took away some books from his house. and they were all from fans.
i gave him a poster in 96 and saw it in the footage of the concert in 2001. but it was filmed somewhere else. i suppose he kept it. during the trial they took away some books from his house. and they were all from fans.

Oh, Michael is sooo cute and sweet. Miss him more now.
Does anyone have an idea who those people are at the photos?
Or they are pictures from fans?


Hehe, that picture made me laugh - if you look on the left hand side, there's a draw that just says 'STUFF' :D.
I imagine they're just pictures people gave him, I know people used to give him pictures of themselves, their children, family, pets etc. so he probably just stuck them up.
It wouldn't surprise me if he had a room full of fan stuff, I doubt he'd wanna chuck that stuff away. I can just imagine sacks upon sacks of mail :D
Thats really cute if there was one. Which reminds me I wonder if Michael ever gotten that huge quilt that me and some of the other fans did for him. I often wonder about that. Each fan that wanted to do that was to make a patch and send it to the fan that was going to sewn them together. And she was going to send to Raymone Bain who was then going to give it to Michael. This site was still the MJJ Forum. When we did that. I often wonder about that and if Michael has ever gotten it.
Thats really cute if there was one. Which reminds me I wonder if Michael ever gotten that huge quilt that me and some of the other fans did for him. I often wonder about that. Each fan that wanted to do that was to make a patch and send it to the fan that was going to sewn them together. And she was going to send to Raymone Bain who was then going to give it to Michael. This site was still the MJJ Forum. When we did that. I often wonder about that and if Michael has ever gotten it.

hey! I was a part of that. blanket of love right?
we did get confirmation that raymone had given it to MJ:yes::wub:
he did mention in one of his interviews...that he have a closet full of gifts from his fans.
I never heard anything about it. Michel always loved the fans and I'm sure he had a special place to store all these gifts with great affection. I wonder how many presents Michael has won over the years. Many, many, many gifts! :wub: