pppppfts!!!!!ssoo sad!! ohh michael..poor you!! i meaan just look at him!! hes so thin and saiicklookin caude of a waaaaaaay to sweapedaway watrloss..! aaaand is it a H*****armband hes got on his one arm?? ,oh gash daat michael is STIL ALIVE aaaand as you know it i was the livelos close MORE then ONCE!so.. i knows the signs..aww por michaeel you should empy dat eviaan botlle all to yourselve aaand ask for one mer to!! aand maybe more!OHH HOW CAN they whos dealing whit him do souch a horrid thing!! how CAN they !!i meaaan CAN anyone sink dat low..then as we asy hewre in norwaay..theye not eeeven whorthy you shoes dirth..( hu! as if !! michael doesent even have A WHOLE PAIR MOF SHOES !!) ohh its so pityy to se him like dat..im soon gonna need abucket!!aaaaand you know..hes alreda getin moe ill of beein FORCED to dat dta nD*** wwoman..its so sad..love from anja a REAL friend in the needs..and ..MORE!!