Michael Jackson Dolls


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anyone have a lot of info on the MJ dolls that were released over the years?

I know there were a series of the min 1984.


Billie Jean

Grammy Awards

American Music Awards

Beat It

Were there any others? I remember Blanket had a white MJ doll at the Memorial.

Were white MJ dolls ever officially released?

And also how long did the ones in 1984 sell for?

And I remember seeing different versions of the same dolls. Like the Thriller one. One version had yellow eyes, and another I believe had white eyes. And some of them had glasses and others didn't.

So I'm guessing they made different styles of the same doll right?

I need all the info. Thanks.
I have the one that Blanket has, its the Black or White doll. Got it for a fiver at the newsagents.
I feel so bad for those poor children.

I have this one:


The doll and the matching Beat It outfit are both in mint condition pretty much. And the box still plays Black Or White. I got both of them for 75 dollars at an antique store 6 years ago. I used to keep both of them on my nightstand. But now I just keep my Michael doll on my nightstand and his Beat It outfit in my closet.
Yea the dolls are probably the best MJ collectables.....just purely because you'll never let it go if you get one!
Now exists one MJ real action figure, it has his "Aoww" face, hehe, fully articullated with extra parts and a black fedora in the Billie Jean suite, it's awesome!, the bad news for me is that i can't find the doll in my country and importing is so expensive here...so...waaaa!
i have the beat it one....I lost the beat it jacket though, when I was little...I have a sparkly military jacket for him with a glove and a microphone...I think my mom bought it for me when I was about 4 years old or something...