Michael Jackson does not get mentioned among charitable celebs..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
i could be wrong, but if i have to look hard to find out, i doubt it. MSN was careful not to leave a section for comments, so that makes me think i am right about this. because MJ never took the time to mention it, could be a reason, but i'm not buying it. they would rather dispute his charitable work.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009


Celebrity charity work

Search: Celebrities Who Give Back

You may think they're spoiled stars and tabloid fodder, but plenty of celebs give dollars and their fame to good causes. We look at a few who've opened their hearts and wallets.
This blue-eyed legend gave more money than any other celebrity last year, even though he is dead.
Of the top 30 celebrity donors in 2008, it's no surprise that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were number two ($13.5 million). Mel Gibson, a surprising number three, thought outside the box when he offered up nearly $6.5 million.
The most generous sports star? A multi-millionaire NFL star or super-rich baseball pro? Wrong: retired boxer Oscar De La Hoya.
Oprah Winfrey slipped to number six with $2.4 million to her pet projects. And the NBA's tallest player tied for eighth place.
Bono isn't the only musician known for philanthropy. A popular singer has given money to his homeland (watch some videos), and this Grammy winner is on a mission to fight AIDS.
After Hurricane Katrina, lots of stars gave money to rebuild New Orleans, but some jumped into action: Two native sports stars helped load supplies, and a Pulp Fiction star flew in to deliver necessities.
Even Paris Hilton says giving to charity is "hot." She's passed down pricey clothes and helped children's causes. Too bad her grandfather is much more charitable.
As Michael always said 'true charity isn't waving a flag and saying look at me.' He never courted publicity for it, unlike so many other celebrities. I know friends of mine are always so suprised when they see how much money he gave away and they always wonder why he didn't tell anyone about it. I just tell them that Michael believed you shouldn't give away money to charity to court publicity, you do it to help and then quote them the Michael quote.
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As Michael always said 'true charity isn't waving a flag and saying look at me.' He never courted publicity for it, unlike so many other celebrities. I know friends of mine are always so suprised when they see how much money he gave away and they always wonder why he didn't tell anyone about it. I just tell them that Michael believed you should't give away money to charity to court publicity, you do it to help and then quote them the Michael quote.

One of the many reasons I love Michael so much! It's so true that charity isn't true charity if you go around telling everyone about it. I get so sick of hearing about celebrities going out of their way to tell the world the good deeds they did. I don't watch Oprah and just seeing little clips or her saying how she did this, how she did that, I just get sick of it. They all seem to be doing it for the wrong reasons. Michael did charity from his heart, and he is being greatly blessed for it now. :D
this isn't about waving a flag to let people see you're doing charity, he doesn't need to do that because everybody knows what Michael did for charity it's not like Michael kept everything a secret and they are clueless about it
I don't think anybody has given more to charity than Michael did, actually let me correct that - I know for a fact nobody did more that MJ did and they know that too! but the media nowadays is a joke everything is a joke for them MJ's name is good only for sensationalism
this isn't about waving a flag to let people see you're doing charity, he doesn't need to do that because everybody knows what Michael did for charity it's not like Michael kept everything a secret and they are clueless about it
I don't think anybody has given more to charity than Michael did, actually let me correct that - I know for a fact nobody did more that MJ did and they know that too! but the media nowadays is a joke everything is a joke for them MJ's name is good only for sensationalism

i think that everybody who responded, in this thread is on point with what they said. those who spoke that MJ's charity is true charity, because of the way he went about it, are correct. the only reason why people found out about MJ's charitable ways, is because some enemies backed him into a corner and accused him of being either bad with money, or nearly criminal in his actions. so, he made a statement, in a movie about his true intentions with children. that is the ONLY reason, why his hospital visits were revealed. otherwise, MJ would have never said anything. he was trying to make a case against being accused of being a child abuser, and child molester. that is the ONLY reason why he was FORCED to reveal what happened with him behind the scenes with children. so..the other posters are correct about MJ not announcing his charitable ways. but you are right, also...because the media KNOWS when a person is the real deal, and when they are not. we all know when someone is the real deal, and when someone is not. the other posters proved that. but the media has DELIBERATELY reserved Michael's name for nothing but destructive senstaionalism. so, everyone here made a valid point, in this thread. thanks for your responses. i was hoping that all the points made in this thread, would be made. and you guys, predictably- being Michael Jackson fans- didn't disappoint.