Michael Jackson documentary called Un jour, un destin broadcast on french channel France 2

Word Smith Sr

Proud Member
Jan 18, 2008
Rosé Brut, Dream On City
Hello this documentary was broadcast on July 23rd in France what do you think about it? I think only french fans have an answer as it was broadcast in France. What do you think of what the people interviewed said?
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"un Jour , un destin " means "One day , One Destiny" or "A day , A destiny" in english .

It deals with the History of famous people and their incredible achievements , but not only for singers or actors or people coming from enternaiment business but also for Politician or great people like the Pope or somebody else very famous .

The program is on a public channel , so it has to be very objective and very informative and educative as a "public programm" and not in the line of tabloids programms like in private channels .

On french MJ boards we feared about this documentary , about what they would talk about , (if more music and not private lie life etc..) .

I choose not to watch the programm and to see the different point of view of the french fans before watching it .

Surprisingly , most of the fans liked the programm . They say , it was almost perfect (75%), and far more objective than all the programm that have been introduced about MJ IN France .

The Negative :

They mostly talked about the 2 pedophilia stuff , and they introduced MJ's carreer as if after Thriller .....Nothing else . But for the first time in 5 years , they talked about the trial in favor of michael .

- The Chandler story was introduced superficialy , Diane Dimond said that photos of michael's sex were taken and the description of Jordan fit with the photos , which was the negative point .
They also said that MJ paid the familly , but right after they insisted in the fact that that were his lawers who adviced him to do that to put an end to the scandal ....they presented it as if it was not a michael decision but his lawers , which was the positive point .

-John Landis has been interviewed , and he told that once , during the creation of a videoclip (we dont know which one ) michael proudly showed him how he succeeded to "bleach" a part of his chest (actually a triangle) , he told michael that it wasnt good at all and above Ugly , and michael answered him : " realy ? " .

Most of the fans were shoked by this part of the documentary , some of them start to have some doubts about michael's vitiligo .

-Bob Jones presented michael as somebody manipulative and dishonest .

-At the end of the documentary , they said that actually michael doesnt want to make any new music anymore , he wants to do some cinema according to his closes relations .

The positive :

- They interviewed Aphrodite Jones for her book .
-They interviewed some french fans

- They introduced the Arviso trial in favor of michael . They said that the mother was a bit "nut" and that she already did some falses acusations in the past . Arviso was also introduced as a lier and manipulated by his mother who only wanted to steal money from michael .
-They insisted on the fact tha michael was recognised "innocent" , because there no where near a proof ; nothing has been found in his computers ; NOTHING bizzar in Neverland .

70% of the documentary was about the Arviso thing in favor of michael .

Maybe a french fan will translate the documentary in english , it lost 1H30 .

Here the impressions i got from the fans who watched it , i dont know yet if i would watch it .

Sorry for my english .
How can anyone like documentary that for every newcomer makes Jackson look definitely guilty ("photos matched to Chandler description" and such).

It is utterly slandering, lying piece of defamation and insult. They could pour honey about anything else and the fact would not be changed.
How can anyone like documentary that for every newcomer makes Jackson look definitely guilty ("photos matched to Chandler description" and such).

It is utterly slandering, lying piece of defamation and insult. They could pour honey about anything else and the fact would not be changed.
it should also tell that the story is fake too, cause there is no way under the sun that boy could have accurately decribe MJ's private parts. Even if they were having affairs. It just would have been the most unlikely thong to happen.doesn't happen. wonder if Dianne Dimond can accurately describe her husbands private parts.
"un Jour , un destin " means "One day , One Destiny" or "A day , A destiny" in english .

It deals with the History of famous people and their incredible achievements , but not only for singers or actors or people coming from enternaiment business but also for Politician or great people like the Pope or somebody else very famous .

The program is on a public channel , so it has to be very objective and very informative and educative as a "public programm" and not in the line of tabloids programms like in private channels .

On french MJ boards we feared about this documentary , about what they would talk about , (if more music and not private lie life etc..) .

I choose not to watch the programm and to see the different point of view of the french fans before watching it .

Surprisingly , most of the fans liked the programm . They say , it was almost perfect (75%), and far more objective than all the programm that have been introduced about MJ IN France .

The Negative :

They mostly talked about the 2 pedophilia stuff , and they introduced MJ's carreer as if after Thriller .....Nothing else . But for the first time in 5 years , they talked about the trial in favor of michael .

- The Chandler story was introduced superficialy , Diane Dimond said that photos of michael's sex were taken and the description of Jordan fit with the photos , which was the negative point .
They also said that MJ paid the familly , but right after they insisted in the fact that that were his lawers who adviced him to do that to put an end to the scandal ....they presented it as if it was not a michael decision but his lawers , which was the positive point .

-John Landis has been interviewed , and he told that once , during the creation of a videoclip (we dont know which one ) michael proudly showed him how he succeeded to "bleach" a part of his chest (actually a triangle) , he told michael that it wasnt good at all and above Ugly , and michael answered him : " realy ? " .

Most of the fans were shoked by this part of the documentary , some of them start to have some doubts about michael's vitiligo .

-Bob Jones presented michael as somebody manipulative and dishonest .

-At the end of the documentary , they said that actually michael doesnt want to make any new music anymore , he wants to do some cinema according to his closes relations .

The positive :

- They interviewed Aphrodite Jones for her book .
-They interviewed some french fans

- They introduced the Arviso trial in favor of michael . They said that the mother was a bit "nut" and that she already did some falses acusations in the past . Arviso was also introduced as a lier and manipulated by his mother who only wanted to steal money from michael .
-They insisted on the fact tha michael was recognised "innocent" , because there no where near a proof ; nothing has been found in his computers ; NOTHING bizzar in Neverland .

70% of the documentary was about the Arviso thing in favor of michael .

Maybe a french fan will translate the documentary in english , it lost 1H30 .

Here the impressions i got from the fans who watched it , i dont know yet if i would watch it .

Sorry for my english .

Well they forgot to tell who Diane Dimond is, a crazy woman obsessed by MJ who is trying to be famous by telling lies about him, and who Jones really is, a man who was founded to slander MJ instead of being his PR and then fired with no rights of having any money.

BTW John Landis often says things which are somehow incorrect. Maybe what he said is true but I don't trust him so much, also about the last stuff about he working again with mj on new projects.
This was a shit!!!!!!!I am extremly shoked by what Landis and Bob Jones said,how can Michael Jackson consider them as friends?
Bob Jones isn't a friend. And people with Vitiligo do try to even out their skin discolouration. Fans are stupid enough to question things and believe others who are shaky. Always amazes.
Fans who started to wonder Jackson's vitiligo after Landis' words are ignorant and (or) had too little time/ability/capability to think about the matter.

The point is we have under oath witnesses confirming Jackson's vitiligo (under threat of perjury prosecution), as well as it documented via photos -- both casual and made by doctor.

John Landis comment could relate to alleged Michael's attempt to use method that eradicated (temporary) colouration spots. However, there is no information that Landis' comments are correct in everything (for example, the time of supposed talk) or at all.
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Fans who started to wonder Jackson's vitiligo after Landis' words are ignorant and (or) had too little time/ability/capability to think about the matter.

The point is we have under oath witnesses confirming Jackson's vitiligo (under threat of perjury prosecution), as well as it documented via photos -- both casual and made by doctor.

John Landis comment could relate to alleged Michael's attempt to use method that eradicated (temporary) colouration spots. However, there is no information that Landis' comments are correct in everything (for example, the time of supposed talk) or at all.

That i correct!
It would be nice to see this documentary, has anyone taped it by any chance?
I dunno if you wanna see it...... i mean, i did not tape it and im glad i did not

Ok, if it was a bad documentary I'm glad I missed it. I was just curious 'cos during Dangerous era france 2 aired a very good MJ Special.
Ok, if it was a bad documentary I'm glad I missed it. I was just curious 'cos during Dangerous era france 2 aired a very good MJ Special.

You can watch it on some french Mj boards like "Elusive Shadow" , a very interesting MJ board also in english .

The documentary is in french , but the Webmaster can translate it with sub-title , if you ask her . The Webmaster is called Thelys , there is an english section on the board .

The documentary is a mixed view ,it depends on your sensitivity .

NB : You can also watch in on MJFRANCE , but in french . If you undertsand the language ,go on MJFRANCE .
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Again, how can anyone say the documentary was "not bad" when the person whom one respects falsely portrayed as paedophile?

Serious mental shift needed to accept this approach.
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I have good news for all the fans eager to see this TV special!

Thelys, owner of www.elusiveshadow.com, kindly sent us download links to Un jour, un destin TV special and said we can share them. :clapping:

You can find download links in our '2000 watts' forum. :wild:

Additional info on this TV special:
Many people in France have mixed feelings about the documentary. In my opinion, the "journalistic work" was well-done because the producer tried to interview people from both sides of the story. I guess it's hard for a non-fan to choose his "witnesses" in the middle of all the media frenzy surrounding MJ. At least, the journalist interviewed people who were pro-Jackson. Some other journalists didn't even try. At the same time, considering the identity of the people who were representing "anti-MJs", you couldn't avoid some nasty comments about his skin, etc.

- to defend Michael, there were T-Mez, Aphrodite Jones, some fans and even Dieter Wiesner who was surprisingly quite pro-Jackson in the program from what I remember !
- to represent the other side, there was (the one and only) Diane Dimond lol. But she was far from being the worst. John Landis' comments about MJ were really surprising as he is said to be working with Michael. He said that MJ bleached his skin, etc. Some fans on my discussion board were shocked. I personally think that he perceives Michael as a genius... but at the same, as a "strange guy" definitely living in his own world. I don't forget that he met MJ at a time of his life when he was very isolated, refused to talk to the press, was a "man-child" very mysterious for everyone. And I think he didn't mean to be aggressive or disrespectful (even if what he says can be shocking). It's probably his own "vision" of MJ: a musical genius but a "difficult-to-understand" person. I must admit that it surprised me to hear him describe MJ in such a strange way. There was also Bob Jones & the co-writer of his book, Stacy Brown.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to subtitle it in English despite what was said on MJJ Community. I subtitled short videos in French (that were about 10 minutes long) and it takes easily 4 to 5 hours for a short video... In fact, I'm the person who translated Aphrodite Jones' book in French (the book is currently sold out in France, there will be a reprinting in the coming weeks) and I subtitled several interviews she did in English + an interview she did for the newspaper "Metro"'s website during her stay in Paris. That's why people see me as "The Subtitling Lady" lol. I hope the members will forgive me. ;-)

All the matters related to the trial are kind of complicated for me... because I know Michael wants to leave it behind him, I sometimes felt guilty to be involved in a project about the trial. On the other hand, I feel people still have a lot of questions about this part of his life and it's important to answer their questions to allow them to focus on the best side of MJ as a professional: his music. I sometimes felt I was doing an horrible choice between "Michael's heart" and "Michael's image". On one hand, there's what he wants as a human being and what everybody should do: respecting the pain he had (and probably still has) in his heart, body & soul because of what happened in 2005, not talking about the case. On the other hand, there are the general public's questions and doubts about him which lead them to see him as a strange and dangerous person: those questions probably had to be taken into consideration because they prevent people from focusing on MJ's art.

In France, a lot of websites talked about Aphrodite Jones' book, including some websites that are considered as "tabloids". Hearing on France 2 (which is one of the biggest TV channels here) that MJ is finally recognized as "innocent" in the Arvizo case is a great victory, even if some people are still trying to bash him with slanderous comments. I see it as a step. It helped people to climb the stairs towards a better understanding of what MJ went through. Now, it's time for more positive things, great melodies and great videos.
John Landis is weird. Michael doesn't bleach his skin, it's physically and scientifically impossible and there is court testimony from Michael's dermatologist that he does, in fact, suffer from vitiligo. That's a fact. Landis was probably referring to a certain cream prescribed to vitiligo patient's called monobenzone, which allows them to depigment small areas of their skin, to match the majority of their skin if it is affected by vitiligo. Generally patients who suffer from 50% or more depigmentation use it. What's more, if one were to attempt to bleach their skin in any sort of extensive fashion, they would either die from toxin poisening, as has occured in places like Jamaca, or they would simply end up with uneven, long streaks across their skin. It doesn't work. If John Landis actually said Michael "bleaches" his skin, that was irresponsible and stupid of him, not to mention ignorant. He's said some wacked out sh*t about Michael in the past and I've never been too fond of him because of it. He's supported Michael too, but always with some off handed comment about how "weird" he is or making fun of his plastic surgery or some such thing. So I would take anything John has to say about Michael with a grain of salt. He isn't his friend.
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WBS21 is correct about "bleaching" crème. Adding to that, this substance is prohibited in some countries for being potentially cancerogenous; and it is not really "permanent" with significant effect lasting few years and on some people it does not work at all.