Michael Jackson Died Solvent And Wealthy

Yes before all the claims and debts came in that had to be paid. This is very early on and 5 million found is nothing When the debts ended up reaching close to 500 Million. Had he been able to perfom his TII and release other projects he had in mind he could have pulled out himself. but after his death the estate had to create projects to pay the debts and support his Estate and children. No one is saying MJ couldn't have done this himself. But he was no longer here to do it.
Please tell me what part of solvent is not clear?

Tell me what this has to do with any trial?
Ill move this to michaelmania for you from Trials and tribs.
I hope you will enjoy discussing the topic you posted.
actually he had billions in assets. not five million. so he was never in trouble. i don't even know why this is a controversy. it wouldn't be with any other person. i feel like my belief is being suspended like other twighlight zone mysteries.
What is meant with solvent?
not broke or in debt. many have been claiming against nim since he was fourteen and they found out he was brilliant where they were not. but reporters will continue to report with the slant that they do, when they don't like someone. it's amazing how many documents are out on this one.