Michael Jackson Crucifixion


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I want to say Thanks To Raffles Entertainment for bringing us the most exciting interview yet!

I was browsing Youtube an came across this piece by Farrakhan. to my knowledge he has spoken great words of Michael ever since the persecution of Michael by the medias bogus allegations in 93.

BTW... to those who care, If you start to view Farrakhanin his entirety you will learn that he is no Anti Semite.

BTW... to those who care, If you start to view Farrakhan in his entirety you will learn that he is no Anti semite.
Is there?? This is not the Raffles Farrakhan interview and is a different segmant of videos
Well this ones much more ensightful, Farrarkhan is an amazing teller of truth,

For others with less time to spare to watch the serias.

go straight video 5 to get a head start. :)
