Michael Jackson Costume is a Miracle For The Great Granddaughter of F. W. Woolworth


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

BOCA RATON, Fla., May 23, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Poor most of her adult life, the great granddaughter of five and dime magnate F. W. Woolworth, has retained TransMedia Group (www.transmediagroup.com) to publicize how she bought back her lost inheritance for a dime.

Judi Woolworth Donahue hired the firm to spread the story about how a thrift shop purchase she made almost a decade ago has turned out to be Michael Jackson’s first costume that today is estimated to be worth $2 million or more.

TransMedia said it will publicize how the Woolworth heiress who never got a nickel’s worth of inheritance and has been on the skids and homeless most of her peripatetic life, received what the firm intends to publicize as “a miracle from Michael.”

The miracle is an amazing Technicolor dream coat sewn together by Jackson’s mother and sister and worn during TV performances when young Michael was part of The Jackson Five, said TransMedia founder and CEO Tom Madden.

According to Donahue, “Michael must be up there in heaven looking down and smiling as now I’ll finally have funds to educate my daughter in the style I was educated, while helping my sister with her cerebral palsy. Even grandfather may be relieved that finally a wrong has been righted,” she said.

TransMedia Group founder and CEO Tom Madden calls it the most amazing story he’s ever encountered, which is saying something for a PR firm that recently launched the first GOLD To Go vending machine in the U.S. and whose publicity helped a night drugstore manager in his 40′s set up and eventually sell the world’s largest nutritional supplement company, Rexall Sundown, for $1.8 billion.

“We believe in miracles,” said Madden, “and this is certainly one for the books.” A few years ago, TransMedia did a pro bono publicity campaign for a non-profit group offering a bumper sticker bearing the message “Keep Christ in Christmas” and anonymously someone bought $1 million worth.

For more information about Judi Woolworth Donahue or to see photographs of original Michael Jackson costume, contact Adrienne Mazzone 561-750-9800 x210 or Email: amazzone@transmediagroup.com.

TransMedia Group is a full-service, multi-lingual international PR firm serving clients worldwide since 1981
Using Michael Jackson's name...yet again.

This won't even sell for 10K ...let alone 2M. Delusional... That might slightly explain why the Woolworths lost all their money.